dankelley / oce

R package for oceanographic processing
GNU General Public License v3.0
145 stars 42 forks source link

oce build failures #633

Closed dankelley closed 9 years ago

dankelley commented 9 years ago

Below is a msg from a CRAN organizer. This is for an old version of oce. I will be going through these with the new version, using the MSwindows test-build machine. As a way of keeping track, I am going to repeat the message twice, with the first one being whittled down as I ensure that things are fixed.

PART 1: portion of message containing unaddressed items (I remove things from here if they do not show up on win-builder build reports.)

... nothing to show here; the build is clean ...

PART 2: whole message

* checking tests ... ERROR
Running the tests in ‘tests/tide.R’ failed.
Last 13 lines of output:
 +     stopifnot(all.equal(c(vuf$u), c(0)))
 +     stopifnot(all.equal(c(vuf$f), c(1)))
 +     vuf <- tidemVuf(t, c(48, 49), 45)
 +     stopifnot(all.equal(vuf$v, c(0.57722632857477,0.62841490855698)))
 +     stopifnot(all.equal(vuf$u, c(0.00295677805220,0.00180270946435)))
 +     stopifnot(all.equal(vuf$f, c(0.96893771510868,0.98142639461951)))
 + }
 Loading required package: mapproj
 Loading required package: maps
 Error: all.equal(a$astro, c(1.28861316428, 0.33390620851, 0.83751937277,  .... are not all TRUE
 Execution halted

Can you pls fix as necessary?


Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs:
 URL: ftp://ilikai.soest.hawaii.edu/rqds/hourly.fmt
   From: man/as.sealevel.Rd
   Status: Error
   Message: libcurl error code 7
    Failed to connect to ilikai.soest.hawaii.edu port 21: Connection timed out
 URL: http://cchdo.ucsd.edu/CCHDO_DataSubmitGuide.pdf
   From: man/as.ctd.Rd
   Status: 404
   Message: Not Found
 URL: http://cchdo.ucsd.edu/data/onetime/atlantic/a03/a03_hy1.csv (moved to http://cchdo.ucsd.edu/data/b/4826)
   From: man/section.Rd
   Status: 204
   Message: No Content
 URL: http://cchdo.ucsd.edu/manuals/pdf/90_1/chap4.pdf
   From: man/as.ctd.Rd
   Status: 404
   Message: Not Found
 URL: http://coastalmap.marine.usgs.gov/GISdata/basemaps/canada/shoreline/canada_wvs_geo_wgs84.htm
   From: man/read.coastline.Rd
   Status: 404
   Message: Not Found
 URL: http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/meds/Databases/TWL/TWL_inventory_e.htm
   From: man/read.sealevel.Rd
   Status: 404
   Message: Not Found
 URL: http://www.sequoiasci.com/products/fam_LISST_100.aspx
   From: man/as.lisst.Rd
   Status: 403
   Message: Forbidden

No package encoding and non-ASCII characters in the following R files:
   1184:     if (tz == "HAA" )   return(  3  ) # Heure Avanc<c3><a9>e de l'Atlantique   North America   UTC - 3 hours
   1185:     if (tz == "HAC" )   return(  5  ) # Heure Avanc<c3><a9>e du Centre North America   UTC - 5 hours
   1187:     if (tz == "HAE" )   return(  4  ) # Heure Avanc<c3><a9>e de l'Est  North America   UTC - 4 hours
   1188:     if (tz == "HAP" )   return(  7  ) # Heure Avanc<c3><a9>e du Pacifique      North America   UTC - 7 hours
   1189:     if (tz == "HAR" )   return(  6  ) # Heure Avanc<c3><a9>e des Rocheuses     North America   UTC - 6 hours
   1191:     if (tz == "HAT" )   return(  2.5) # Heure Avanc<c3><a9>e de Terre-Neuve    North America   UTC - 2:30 hours
   1192:     if (tz == "HAY" )   return(  8  ) # Heure Avanc<c3><a9>e du Yukon  North America   UTC - 8 hours
   1206:     if (tz == "MESZ")   return( -2  ) # Mitteleuro<c3><a4>ische Sommerzeit     Europe  UTC + 2 hours
   1207:     if (tz == "MEZ" )   return( -1  ) # Mitteleurop<c3><a4>ische Zeit  Europe  UTC + 1 hour

The Title field should be in title case, current version then in title case:
‘Analysis of Oceanographic data’
‘Analysis of Oceanographic Data’

The Date field is over a month old.

* checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
'library' or 'require' calls in package code:
 ‘foreign’ ‘ncdf4’ ‘tiff’
 Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.
 See section 'Suggested packages' in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... NOTE
Found the following apparent S3 methods exported but not registered:
 +.section predict.tidem time.oce window.oce
See section ‘Registering S3 methods’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’
* checking replacement functions ... OK
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
map2lonlat: no visible global function definition for
mapContour: no visible global function definition for
mapImage: no visible global function definition for ‘.Last.projection’
mapLongitudeLatitudeXY: no visible global function definition for
dankelley commented 9 years ago

I'm closing this because I'm not getting build errors on my newly updated R, nor on winbuilder. Sure, there may be build errors when I submit the new oce, but these ones referred to something half a year old (or more) and most of these were fixed quite a while back in develop anyway.