danlynn / ember-cli

ember-cli docker image providing a complete development environment
MIT License
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Alpine base image?! #28

Closed stas closed 4 years ago

stas commented 4 years ago

@danlynn thank you very much for all the work on this project!

I was curious if there's any interest in switching to the Alpine based image? The current image has a pretty fat 1.7G in file size. Plus we'll probably cut out the build time.

Let me know, and I'll be happy to prepare a PR.


stas commented 4 years ago

I ended up switching to a simplified Dockerfile (see below).

The image size is now 0.5G

I'm not 100% sure, but for me it doesn't make sense to include the watchman, since Docker already provides decent support for inotify. And Chromium serves as an alternative for Chrome.

FROM node:lts-alpine

# Ports: ember server, livereload, test server
EXPOSE 4200 7020 7357

CMD ['ember', 'server']

RUN apk add -U chromium

RUN npm install -g ember-cli