danmarsden / moodle-mod_attendance

Allows an attendance log to be kept in Moodle
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Add ability to drop lowest N session points for students (similar to drop lowest N grades in gradebook) #114

Open danmarsden opened 9 years ago

danmarsden commented 9 years ago

Moved from: https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/CONTRIB-4803

Use case: Professor configures attendance to award 1 point for every present and 0 points for every absence. However, professor allows up two absences without penalty (freebies). Professor would like to mark students as absent anyway, but skip the lowest 2 sessions in the calculation of the total attendance grade.

For example, say there are five course sessions, and student X misses three of them, as follows:

Session 1: 1 point (present) Session 2: 0 points (absent) Session 3: 0 points (absent) Session 4: 1 point (present) Session 5: 0 points (absent)

The total grade currently would be: 2 / 5 * 100 = 40%.

However, the professor's attendance policy allows up to two "free" absences, so the grade really should be: 2 / 3 * 100 = 67%

This can be done if the attendance module had a setting to skip the lowest N sessions. The professor could set this to "2" in the above case. Then, the attendance module would drop two of the student's 0-point sessions, leaving three sessions to grade.

SamHAnderson commented 7 years ago

Any plans to continue work on this? Attendance is a popular plugin at our institution, and the request to drop sessions comes up several times a semester.

danmarsden commented 7 years ago

Most of my volunteer time is taken up on general maintenance tasks/bug fixes and I don't get much time for new development unless my time is funded. If you have internal development staff that can help work on this feel free to submit a pull request for review - or if you are able to fund the work feel free to get in touch to discuss our rates. (I work for the Moodle Partner Catalyst IT)

cborn commented 3 years ago

I see from the documentation at UMass in Amherst (US) that they have this feature, has it been implemented? I have a faculty member looking for it.

SamHAnderson commented 3 years ago

@cborn this is a local code customization at UMass Amherst, not in "plugin" form. I'll make a note to see if we can find space to submit a pull request here.

danmarsden commented 3 years ago

sounds interesting - looks like you've implemented that on the status sets tab? - will be interesting to see how that looks - I look forward to seeing the code! :-)

cupoflizard commented 2 years ago

Hello, I wasn't sure how to vote on this issue here so I will leave a comment. Our faculty (higher ed) use the Attendance activity to track engagement and would really like to be able to "drop the lowest x sessions" from a student's grade. So I'm upvoting this. I, too, found the UMASS help doc and got excited. But then realized we don't have this. Thanks for considering!