danmarshall / google-font-to-svg-path

Create an SVG path from a Google font
MIT License
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SVG Should Not Have Dimensions #5

Closed villanus closed 7 years ago

villanus commented 7 years ago

So the SVG can properly scale it should not have width / height attributes. Instead it should have a preserveAspectRatio with the default value of xMidYMid meet.


When the SVG has set dimensions it cannot scale within a container automatically. Only workaround is to set width to 100% and height to auto using css:


danmarshall commented 7 years ago

Hi Frank, sorry this took so long, but you can already do this with the svgAttrs property which lets you override the defaults and add anything you need:

        var opts = {
            svgAttrs: {
                height: null,
                width: null,
                preserveAspectRatio: 'xMidYMid meet'

        var svg = makerjs.exporter.toSVG(model, opts);

This is in Maker.js but not exposed in this project. I'm assuming you're working off of a fork of this repo.