danmunn / redmine_dmsf

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Error when opening Setting page #1439

Closed mtolava closed 1 year ago

mtolava commented 1 year ago

I check the latest close issues and saw there is recurrent problem, I resolve this using the version v3.0.1. My configuration is: Environment: Redmine version 5.0.5.stable.22130 Ruby version 3.1.0-p0 (2021-12-25) [x86_64-linux] Rails version Environment production Database adapter Mysql2 Redmine plugins: redmine_agile 1.6.5 redmine_checklists 3.1.22 redmine_dmsf 3.0.1 redmineup_tags 2.0.13

I test the version v3.0.11, v3.0.8 and master and it fail with the same action.

Started GET "/settings" for at 2023-03-20 16:21:14 -0300
INFO -- : [ca5819ab-bf1a-44ca-b51e-37a523dc6b93] Processing by SettingsController#index as HTML
INFO -- : [ca5819ab-bf1a-44ca-b51e-37a523dc6b93]   Current user: mtolava (id=5)
INFO -- : [ca5819ab-bf1a-44ca-b51e-37a523dc6b93] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 19ms (ActiveRecord: 3.1ms | Allocations: 11196)
F, [2023-03-20T16:21:14.643780 #273450] FATAL -- : [ca5819ab-bf1a-44ca-b51e-37a523dc6b93]   
[ca5819ab-bf1a-44ca-b51e-37a523dc6b93] SystemStackError (stack level too deep):
[ca5819ab-bf1a-44ca-b51e-37a523dc6b93] plugins/redmine_dmsf/lib/redmine_dmsf/patches/notifiable_ru_patch.rb:43:in `all_with_resources_dmsf'
picman commented 1 year ago

I cannot reproduce it. It works fine with all your installed plugins in my environment. Cannot you see in the log what is causing the loop. Which function calls which?

mtolava commented 1 year ago

Yes. This is the error with the version 3.0.11

INFO -- : [ba2cf83d-b779-445f-8d17-97fc0351bd07] Started GET "/settings" for 200.XXX.139.238 at 2023-03-22 09:14:25 -0300
I, [2023-03-22T09:14:25.992151 #337812]  INFO -- : [ba2cf83d-b779-445f-8d17-97fc0351bd07] Processing by SettingsController#index as HTML
I, [2023-03-22T09:14:26.001630 #337812]  INFO -- : [ba2cf83d-b779-445f-8d17-97fc0351bd07]   Current user: mtolava (id=5)
I, [2023-03-22T09:14:26.013732 #337812]  INFO -- : [ba2cf83d-b779-445f-8d17-97fc0351bd07] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 21ms (ActiveRecord: 1.8ms | Allocations: 11427)
F, [2023-03-22T09:14:26.059654 #337812] FATAL -- : [ba2cf83d-b779-445f-8d17-97fc0351bd07]   
[ba2cf83d-b779-445f-8d17-97fc0351bd07] SystemStackError (stack level too deep):
plugins/redmine_dmsf/lib/redmine_dmsf/patches/notifiable_ru_patch.rb:43:in `all_with_resources_dmsf'
[ba2cf83d-b779-445f-8d17-97fc0351bd07] app/controllers/settings_controller.rb:37:in `edit'
[ba2cf83d-b779-445f-8d17-97fc0351bd07] app/controllers/settings_controller.rb:32:in `index'
[ba2cf83d-b779-445f-8d17-97fc0351bd07] lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:61:in `sudo_mode'
[ba2cf83d-b779-445f-8d17-97fc0351bd07] plugins/redmine_dmsf/lib/redmine_dmsf/webdav/custom_middleware.rb:54:in `call'
mtolava commented 1 year ago

Testing with version v3.0.2 and v3.0.3 works, but when I testt v3.0.4 it fails Copying the log:

INFO -- : [ba2cf83d-b779-445f-8d17-97fc0351bd07] Started GET "/settings" for 200.XXX.139.238 at 2023-03-22 09:14:25 -0300
I, [2023-03-22T09:14:25.992151 #337812]  INFO -- : [ba2cf83d-b779-445f-8d17-97fc0351bd07] Processing by SettingsController#index as HTML
I, [2023-03-22T09:14:26.001630 #337812]  INFO -- : [ba2cf83d-b779-445f-8d17-97fc0351bd07]   Current user: mtolava (id=5)
I, [2023-03-22T09:14:26.013732 #337812]  INFO -- : [ba2cf83d-b779-445f-8d17-97fc0351bd07] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 21ms (ActiveRecord: 1.8ms | Allocations: 11427)
F, [2023-03-22T09:14:26.059654 #337812] FATAL -- : [ba2cf83d-b779-445f-8d17-97fc0351bd07]   
[ba2cf83d-b779-445f-8d17-97fc0351bd07] SystemStackError (stack level too deep):

[ba2cf83d-b779-445f-8d17-97fc0351bd07] plugins/redmine_dmsf/lib/redmine_dmsf/patches/notifiable_ru_patch.rb:43:in `all_with_resources_dmsf'
plugins/redmine_dmsf/lib/redmine_dmsf/patches/notifiable_ru_patch.rb:43:in `all_with_resources_dmsf'
[9c981f5f-0713-43fc-9796-0673ba100fca] app/controllers/settings_controller.rb:37:in `edit'
[9c981f5f-0713-43fc-9796-0673ba100fca] app/controllers/settings_controller.rb:32:in `index'
[9c981f5f-0713-43fc-9796-0673ba100fca] lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:61:in `sudo_mode'
[9c981f5f-0713-43fc-9796-0673ba100fca] plugins/redmine_dmsf/lib/redmine_dmsf/webdav/custom_middleware.rb:54:in `call'
mtolava commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for your help, I attentive to what can help

picman commented 1 year ago

I see the problem now. In the current version of _redminechecklist plugin, they override Notifiable class not any more. So, update your devel branch an try it now.

mtolava commented 1 year ago

It is working! thank you!