dannagle / PacketSender

Network utility for sending / receiving TCP, UDP, SSL, HTTP
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Smart Response never received by clients #164

Open wieb18 opened 4 years ago

wieb18 commented 4 years ago

OS Windows 10 64 bit & Packet Sender v6.2.3


I am trying UDP Smart Response but doesn't work as expected.

The UDP Smart Response packets never received by clients.

Here is the detail:

1. UDP Smart Response setting



2. UDP packet test


I am using 2 UDP clients for this test: &

When client received UDP packets then it will reply with message "RECEIVED xxx BYTES FROM xxx, PORT xxx"

3. Smart Response on


As could see on the above image, there is no received messages when Smart Response send UDP packet.

But when I copy and paste the Smart Response ASCII and then manually send it. The successfully received it.

4. Another test, Smart Response on


Same as above, this issue also happen on Not received anything when Smart Response send UDP packet.


But when manually send it, the UDP packet successfully received by client.

Is this a bug or am I wrong on using Packet Sender? Thanks for the answer.

dannagle commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the detailed report. Smart Responses work by exact string matches. Have you tried sending just UNIXTIME by itself? Then you should (hopefully) get your UNIX:{{UNIXTIME}} response.

If you want Packet Sender to reply to everything, regardless of data, you can use the "basic response with macro support" feature.

Smart Responses is overdue for some upgrades, such as making it search/replace any text or perhaps support even regex, but this has not been high priority.

Hope that helps.

wieb18 commented 4 years ago


Thank you for the response.

I am very sorry for my poor English. Maybe because my poor English, you misunderstood the main problem.

Smart Response works perfectly, always reply every time when the 2 clients send specific string (UNIXTIME string) into it.

But this issue is not about Smart Response reply capability. Packet Sender Smart Response works perfectly, NEVER miss to reply.

The main problem is: although Smart Response always reply, but the reply packet (UDP) frequently received on clients side.

After few days looking at Packet Sender traffic log, here is the comparison:

My guess:

Here is the recent Traffic Log:


As you could see, Smart Response always send reply ("UNIXTIME;xxxxx") after receiving specific string ("UNIXTIME"), NEVER miss to reply. But the reply packet SOMETIME received by clients (client answering with "RECEIVED xxx BYTES), but MOSTLY not (clients not answer).

Maybe this problem is because:

  1. Smart Response use different routine/function/class than Manual Send on Sending Packet
  2. Because use different Sending routine/function/class:
    • On Manual Send, packet actually send and also displaying it in Traffic Log
    • On Smart Response, always displaying in Traffic Log but NOT actually send the packet (that is why the clients SOMETIME received the reply packet but MOSTLY not received anything)

Please help.

dannagle commented 4 years ago

OK, I didn't realize you were detailing an intermittent problem. These can be very hard to track down. I'll need to wait until I get back to my lab to set up a proper test and troubleshoot. Probably this weekend. I'll flag this ticket as a bug.

wieb18 commented 4 years ago

I know it will be very hard to track down this bug.

But please focus on Smart Response (specifically UDP) Sending Packet routine/function/class. I think this bug is in there.

Although Traffic Log displaying Smart Response already send the reply but its actually NOT 100% sending the packet. Just use 2 or 3 UDP clients and you will know sometime UDP packet received by clients, but most of the time the clients never received UDP packet from Smart Response reply.

Finally, thank you for all your help. Hope Packet Sender update version which free of this bug will be release soon.

dannagle commented 4 years ago

@wieb18 I finally got a chance to look at this. I've been running tests, and so far it seems OK. Maybe I am missing a setting that helps trigger it.

Will you email me your packets.ini and ps_settings.ini ?
You can email it to hello@packetsender.com

In Windows, these files are found in your local %AppData%.

For example, assuming your windows name is wieb18: "C:\Users\wieb18\AppData\Local\PacketSender\packets.ini"

wieb18 commented 4 years ago

Found only ps_settings.ini and didn't find packets.ini in that folder.

Here is my ps_settings.ini file:

[General] checkforUpdatesAsked=true packetIPEditSession= persistentTCPCheck=true udpPort=4210 udpServerEnable=true checkforUpdates=true packetHexEditSession="54 45 53 54 49 4e 47 46 41 4c 53 45 " tcpPort=3000 sslPort=0 udptcpComboBoxSession=UDP packetPortEditSession=4210 sendReponse=false resendEditSession= responseName=<Load..> responseHex= tcpServerEnable=true sslServerEnable=true serverSnakeOilCheck=true attemptReceiveCheck=false delayAfterConnectCheck=false resolveDNSOnInputCheck=false ignoreSSLCheck=true sslCaPath= sslLocalCertificatePath= sslPrivateKeyPath= restoreSessionCheck=true copyUnformattedCheck=true rolling500entryCheck=false asciiEditTranslateEBCDICCheck=false cancelResendNum=0 multiSendDelay=@Variant(\0\0\0\x87\0\0\0\0) ipMode=4 packetSavedTableHeaders=Send, Name, Resend (sec), To Address, To Port, Method, ASCII, Hex packetTableHeaders=Time, From IP, From Port, To IP, To Port, Method, Error, ASCII, Hex smartResponseEnableCheck=true responseIfEdit1=UNIXTIME responseIfEdit2=UTIME responseIfEdit3= responseIfEdit4= responseIfEdit5= responseReplyEdit1="UNIXTIME;{{UNIXTIME}}" responseReplyEdit2="UTIME;{{UNIXTIME}}" responseReplyEdit3= responseReplyEdit4= responseReplyEdit5= responseEnableCheck1=true responseEnableCheck2=true responseEnableCheck3=false responseEnableCheck4=false responseEnableCheck5=false responseEncodingBox1=Mixed ASCII responseEncodingBox2=Mixed ASCII responseEncodingBox3=Mixed ASCII responseEncodingBox4=Mixed ASCII responseEncodingBox5=Mixed ASCII cloudPassword= updateLastChecked=2019-11-04 07:43:02

I am also send ps_settings.ini to hello@packetsender.com Thanks.