dannagle / PacketSender

Network utility for sending / receiving TCP, UDP, SSL, HTTP
GNU General Public License v2.0
2.35k stars 367 forks source link

Cannot receive UDP Broadcast packets? #201

Closed capsicumDreams closed 3 years ago

capsicumDreams commented 3 years ago

What OS?

Windows 7.0.6 (10 Sept 2019)

Description of issue

I can't seem to receive Broadcast UDP packets. I can on other apps on the same PC, so I think it's not a network issue.

Is this by design?

Fantastic app, btw.. :)

dannagle commented 3 years ago

You should be able to receive broadcast packets no prob. There is nothing in the design to prevent this.

Make sure you are listening to the port the packets are being sent on. Check the bottom right for the UDP port. Also, make sure you are in IPv4 mode. See screenshot.


It is extremely common for routers to filter broadcast packets. If you are still having problems, I recommend connecting your two computers directly bypassing everything in between. Then work your way outward to your normal setup.

BTW, you can also run 2 packet senders at the same time if you bind everything to 0. This is typically done for localhost testing, but a broadcast test would work too. See this screenshot. Make sure you have auto-responses turned off.


Hope this helps.

capsicumDreams commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated..

Some more context. I am sending these broadcast UDP packets from an Android app on the WLAN to port 49002. I can receive the packets from an old program "Internet Manic" v1.2d using the 'Port Listener' function. image

So, I would have thought that it's not a network issue.

I'm using the latest Packet Sender v7.0.6, and have set the UDP server to 49002, but cannot receive those same packets. (Having closed the other app, obviously). I have checked sending from one PS instance to the other as you suggested, and that works just fine. (I'm not sure what Bind everything to 0 means).

So, at this point, maybe it is a network issue, rather than a Packet Sender issue? Are there two kinds of broadcast packets?

I don't want to absorb your time if you can't see anything obviously wrong that I'm trying, or haven't tried..

But any ideas before I head to StackOverflow would be great! :)

dannagle commented 3 years ago

Do you have more than 1 network connected?

Rather than do a general bind, you can force Packet Sender to bind to the IP address you plan to use in settings. It may add some stability if you are having problems.


capsicumDreams commented 3 years ago

There are a few interfaces, if I understand the titlebar correctly: image

I bound to the regular IPv4 address I get from ipconfig as you suggested, and still no data coming through..

dannagle commented 3 years ago

Without fully knowing your setup, here are some network troubleshooting tips I would attempt to track down the problem. Perhaps one of these will find it.

capsicumDreams commented 3 years ago

..still trying to figure this out..

dannagle commented 3 years ago

Are you able to broadcast locally within Packet Sender? Screenshot...


capsicumDreams commented 3 years ago

Yes, I can, from itself, and from another running PS on the same machine.

I've just testing running PS on another machine on the WLAN. It receives Brodcast and Unicast perfectly. So the conclusion might have to be some weird interaction with "Internet Maniac", perhaps?

In any case, I can't fault PS at all, love using it and (apart from some awkward screen scaling issues on Win10) have no issues. Thanks so much for your help - sorry I couldn't conclusively prove either way what was happening..