danneu / darkstrap

(unmaintained, dead) a dark theme for twitter bootstrap 2
MIT License
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Update darkstrap to work with latest bootstrap #6

Open RyanEwen opened 11 years ago

RyanEwen commented 11 years ago

Hi danneu,

Are there any plans to update darkstrap to work with the newest bootstrap?

I love darkstrap but I keep itching to update to to a newer verison of bootstrap. The current version doesn't work so well with it, though!

Cheers, Ryan

danneu commented 11 years ago

Hey Ryan,

I got a full-time job a few months ago. Lately, I've been using some spare time to maintain the actual code of my personal project that I created darkstrap for. Once I've rolled it out, I plan on upgrading Bootstrap and then reworking Darkstrap so that it's compatible.

I don't know when that will be, though. Sometimes I'll sit down on a Friday and crank out 12 hours of work on my personal projects. And then sometimes weeks will pass without even opening up a code editor!

The bittersweet aspect of being an employed developer is that I usually don't want to open up my laptop again when I get home from work, so it's hard for me to come up with an estimate of when I'll do it.


On Sep 24, 2012, at 1:11 PM, RyanEwen notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi danneu,

Are there any plans to update darkstrap to work with the newest bootstrap?

I love darkstrap but I keep itching to update to to a newer verison of bootstrap. The current version doesn't work so well with it, though!

Cheers, Ryan

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RyanEwen commented 11 years ago

I'm glad to hear that it'll eventually get some work :) The styles on bootswatch.com just aren't up to par with darkstrap imho.

But I understand how it is - I am a web applications developer for a large company and since I started that job I barely touch my personal computer anymore. It's hard to go from a whole day of coding to an evening or weekend of even more coding.

In fact, it's sad to say, but I've been neglecting my website for years now because of it! :-/


danneu commented 11 years ago

No kidding. Almost everything you see on my github was made during a 5-month bout of unemployment (by choice) after graduating last December. Even my blog, which hasn't been updated since I got a job (danneu.com).

During that period, for the first time in my life I was able to wake up in the morning, head to the coffee shop, and work on my own ideas all day. No college or work in the way for once. Made me realize how much I want that sort of life back -- living off your own ideas/ambitions. But I don't want to sound glib. I enjoy my job, there just aren't many hours in the day nor energy in my reserves so I'm stuck pilfering time from my social life on weekends to afford time for personal projects.

Anyways, my energy comes in waves. I forget that other people use darkstrap, and that's more motivating to me than working on the website I made darkstrap for in the first place. I'll let you know of my progress.


On Sep 24, 2012, at 2:42 PM, RyanEwen notifications@github.com wrote:

I'm glad to hear that it'll eventually get some work :) The styles on bootswatch.com just aren't up to par with darkstrap imho.

But I understand how it is - I am a web applications developer for a large company and since I started that job I barely touch my personal computer anymore. It's hard to go from a whole day of coding to an evening or weekend of even more coding.

In fact, it's sad to say, but I've been neglecting my website for years now because of it! :-/


— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

EpocDotFr commented 11 years ago

Danneu : Darkstrap seems to be very awesome, exactly what I searched, however as said above it is not optimized for the latest Bootstrap version. I see you edited your blog post about Darkstrap (http://danneu.com/posts/4-darkstrap-css-a-dark-theme-for-twitter-bootstrap-2) : you written that you will update Darkstrap, it's a very good news :)

danneu commented 11 years ago

@EpocDotFr: Yeah! I hope to get working on it this weekend.

falconair commented 11 years ago

I'm also a happy user of you theme! Just noticed that your whole domain "danneu.com" is down, perhaps it expired?

danneu commented 11 years ago

@falconair: LOL. Thanks, I just renewed it. ...And set all my domains to auto-renew. Dunno how long it takes for it to propagate but the direct URL http://danneu.herokuapp.com works in the meantime.

As for Darkstrap, it's actually going to be the theme of a vBulletin forum I'm porting to my own Rails app. I have a few more backend things to finish and then I'll resume development on Darkstrap.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Also looking forward to the update. Keep up the great work!

ghost commented 11 years ago

It has been quite a while, are you still planning on updating it? Because else I might fork and fix some minor stuff, like textboxes.

nickarnold commented 11 years ago

I'm going to bump this. Any chance that you might work on this soon? Not asking for a date, just a ballpark yes/no so I can either wait until you finish or look for/create an alternative. Thanks a lot.

danneu commented 11 years ago

Hey, I've been working on it in the sense that I've resumed progress on my app that actually uses it. But I need to extract it into its own file. Of course, once I do that, releasing future versions of darkstrap becomes easy again.

Sorry guys, I'm not used to people using my stuff. I have a personal project crunch this weekend and I've committed some time for darkstrap.

I'll update this channel with updates so yall can check it out.

nickarnold commented 11 years ago

@danneu Awesome man, thanks!

EpocDotFr commented 11 years ago

@danneu Excellent :)

martindale commented 11 years ago

+1 for the update! I'm looking forward to being able to use this again.

danneu commented 11 years ago

Haha, hey @martindale! It's been years since we spoke!

Alright, last weekend I did get the ball rolling and I did extract my changes into a new darkstrap.css file that should be cleaner than the current version. I have some remaining work to darkstrapize some bootstrap features/markup I didn't happen to use in my personal project, but it's not much work.

It's hard for me to work on this during the week due to time issues, so I apologize for the slow turn around.

pretzer commented 11 years ago

+1 from me aswell! Keep up the good work! :)

theGeekPirate commented 11 years ago

Another +1 =)

danneu commented 11 years ago

Sorry about the wait, guys.

I went through the bootstrap docs and recreated the darkstrap demo page item by item to ensure I didn't miss anything too obvious.

I still need to clean up cross-browser compatibility which is always a chore.

But since I was using Sinatra to work on darkstrap, it was just a couple more lines of code to throw it up on heroku.

http://darkstrap-unfinished.herokuapp.com/ (already out of date)

Just keep in mind that it's incomplete and some (jarring) design decisions are placeholders. I developed it in Firefox 17 on OSX.

Lord have mercy on you if you view it in anything else in its current form.

For example, here's how the navbar design (so far) looks in Firefox:

firefox navbars

...and here's the same thing in Chrome:

chrome navbars

...and Safari:

safari navbars

In other words, I'm aware of the idiosyncrasies. And they aren't challenging, I just have to now turn my attention to them.

Finally, even in its current form, the darkstrap.css you'll see if your view the source is one massive file since it also contains the entire bootstrap codebase. It's sorta tangled up in there during development, but of course I'll extract it when I launch it.

After all, the entire purpose of darkstrap.css is to have a small css file that you include after bootstrap is loaded.

Anyways, just wanted to assure yall that I'm alive and I've got the ball rolling.

theGeekPirate commented 11 years ago

<3 =3

ghost commented 11 years ago

Awesome, appreciate you actually updated it!

proimage commented 11 years ago

Great to see the progress - thank you!

stevben commented 11 years ago


any news related to your compatibilities problem ? why do not share your actual work to get help from the community ?

thx for your work

danneu commented 11 years ago

I updated the repo.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Who's awesome? You're awesome.

danneu commented 11 years ago

Feel free to open new issues with specific problems!

EpocDotFr commented 11 years ago

Bootstrap 2.3 just been released : http://blog.getbootstrap.com/2013/02/07/bootstrap-2-3-released/


danneu commented 11 years ago

Yeah, noiceeeee. And thanks!

Will bump up darkstrap version this weekend.

EpocDotFr commented 11 years ago

I will quick test the current Darkstrap version with the new Bootstrap version. If there's any bugs I'll open a new issue.

danneu commented 11 years ago

Cool! I'll update the demo to use Bootstrap 2.3 this weekend as well.

EpocDotFr commented 11 years ago

So far I didn't saw bugs - but this was a quick test, maybe someone will see some bugs :)