danny0838 / webscrapbook

A browser extension that captures web pages to local device or backend server for future retrieval, organization, annotation, and edit. This project inherits from legacy Firefox add-on ScrapBook X.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
850 stars 118 forks source link

question: how to save the "guiding threads" on reddit? #345

Closed lef-est closed 1 year ago

lef-est commented 1 year ago

i tried chaging various settings under Capture - content but none seem to save the guiding threads on reddit. it just shows up blank. i'm talking about this: image

Any guidance would be helpful, thanks!

danny0838 commented 1 year ago

Please provide the following information for further investigation:

  1. The version of your OS, Browser, and WebScrapBook
  2. The web page URL you are trying to capture.
  3. The full capture options (can be obtained from Capture as > Advanced)
lef-est commented 1 year ago

Please provide the following information for further investigation:

  1. The version of your OS, Browser, and WebScrapBook
  2. The web page URL you are trying to capture.
  3. The full capture options (can be obtained from Capture as > Advanced)

Thanks for the quick reply!

  1. Windows 10, Chrome 113.0.5672.127, WebScrap Book 1.14.3
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/rf3tca/which_should_use_to_archive_webpages_singlefile/ (I'm using this thread to test both plugins and all the different formats 😂 )
  3. below is my current config, though I've tried changing many settings, including trying every option of Rewrite styles except "no rewrite", as well as changing Remove hidden elements to disabled.
    "tasks": [
    "comment": "",
    "tabId": 1699685497,
    "title": "which should use to archive webpages singlefile or webscrapbook? : DataHoarder",
    "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/rf3tca/which_should_use_to_archive_webpages_singlefile/"
    "bookId": null,
    "parentId": "root",
    "index": null,
    "mode": "",
    "delay": null,
    "options": {
    "capture.applet": "link",
    "capture.audio": "save-current",
    "capture.backupForRecapture": true,
    "capture.base": "blank",
    "capture.canvas": "save",
    "capture.contentSecurityPolicy": "remove",
    "capture.deleteErasedOnCapture": true,
    "capture.deleteErasedOnSave": false,
    "capture.downLink.doc.delay": null,
    "capture.downLink.doc.depth": 0,
    "capture.downLink.doc.mode": "source",
    "capture.downLink.doc.urlFilter": "",
    "capture.downLink.file.extFilter": "###image\n#bmp, gif, ico, jpg, jpeg, jpe, jp2, png, tif, tiff, svg\n###audio\n#aac, ape, flac, mid, midi, mp3, ogg, oga, ra, ram, rm, rmx, wav, wma\n###video\n#avc, avi, flv, mkv, mov, mpg, mpeg, mp4, wmv\n###archive\n#zip, rar, jar, bz2, gz, tar, rpm, 7z, 7zip, xz, jar, xpi, lzh, lha, lzma\n#/z[0-9]{2}|r[0-9]{2}/\n###document\npdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, ods, odp, odg, odf, rtf, txt, csv\n###executable\n#exe, msi, dmg, bin, xpi, iso\n###any non-web-page\n#/(?!$|html?|xht(ml)?|php|py|pl|aspx?|cgi|jsp)(.*)/i",
    "capture.downLink.file.mode": "none",
    "capture.downLink.urlExtra": "",
    "capture.downLink.urlFilter": "###skip common logout URL\n/[/=]logout\\b/i",
    "capture.downloadRetryCount": 3,
    "capture.downloadRetryDelay": 1000,
    "capture.embed": "link",
    "capture.favicon": "save",
    "capture.faviconAttrs": "",
    "capture.font": "link",
    "capture.formStatus": "save",
    "capture.frame": "save",
    "capture.frameRename": true,
    "capture.helpers": "",
    "capture.helpersEnabled": false,
    "capture.image": "save-current",
    "capture.imageBackground": "save-used",
    "capture.insertInfoBar": true,
    "capture.linkUnsavedUri": true,
    "capture.mergeCssResources": true,
    "capture.noscript": "save",
    "capture.object": "link",
    "capture.ping": "blank",
    "capture.prefetch": "remove",
    "capture.preload": "remove",
    "capture.prettyPrint": false,
    "capture.recordDocumentMeta": true,
    "capture.recordRewrites": true,
    "capture.referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin",
    "capture.referrerSpoofSource": false,
    "capture.remoteTabDelay": null,
    "capture.removeHidden": "undisplayed",
    "capture.resourceSizeLimit": null,
    "capture.rewriteCss": "match",
    "capture.saveAs": "zip",
    "capture.saveAsciiFilename": false,
    "capture.saveDataUriAsFile": true,
    "capture.saveDataUriAsSrcdoc": true,
    "capture.saveFileAsHtml": true,
    "capture.saveFilename": "%source-hostname% - %title% %source-hash% [%create-Y%%create-m%%create-d%T%create-H%%create-M%%create-S%]",
    "capture.saveFilenameMaxLenUtf16": 127,
    "capture.saveFilenameMaxLenUtf8": 255,
    "capture.saveFolder": "WebScrapBook/data",
    "capture.saveOverwrite": false,
    "capture.saveResourcesSequentially": false,
    "capture.saveTo": "folder",
    "capture.script": "link",
    "capture.serverUploadRetryCount": 3,
    "capture.serverUploadRetryDelay": 2000,
    "capture.serverUploadWorkers": 4,
    "capture.shadowDom": "save",
    "capture.style": "save",
    "capture.styleInline": "save",
    "capture.video": "save-current",
    "capture.zipCompressLevel": null

    This is the output I get (in order to upload I changed the extension from HTZ to ZIP): www.reddit.com - which should use to archive webpages singlefile or webscrapbook DataHoarder [20230528T195824].zip

danny0838 commented 1 year ago

It seems that some <style> elements in the page cannot be correctly saved, as the browser returns escaped HTML for them (but not in other pages). This happens both on Firefox and Chrome and doesn't seem to be a bug of the browser.

We need further investigation about why it happens.

lef-est commented 1 year ago

Thank you. If it helps, this is the SingleFileZ output that retains the style (after changing the extension from .zip.html to .zip) www.reddit.com which should use to archive webpages singlefile or webscrapbook DataHoarder [20230528T142419].zip

the settings used for SingleFileZ

```json { "profiles": { "__Default_Settings__": { "acceptHeaders": { "audio": "audio/webm,audio/ogg,audio/wav,audio/*;q=0.9,application/ogg;q=0.7,video/*;q=0.6,*/*;q=0.5", "document": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", "font": "application/font-woff2;q=1.0,application/font-woff;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", "image": "image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,image/svg+xml,image/*,*/*;q=0.8", "script": "*/*", "stylesheet": "text/css,*/*;q=0.1", "video": "video/webm,video/ogg,video/*;q=0.9,application/ogg;q=0.7,audio/*;q=0.6,*/*;q=0.5" }, "allowedBookmarkFolders": [ "" ], "applySystemTheme": true, "autoClose": false, "autoOpenEditor": false, "autoSaveDelay": 1, "autoSaveDiscard": false, "autoSaveLoad": true, "autoSaveLoadOrUnload": false, "autoSaveRemove": false, "autoSaveRepeat": false, "autoSaveRepeatDelay": 10, "autoSaveUnload": false, "backgroundSave": true, "blockAudios": false, "blockFonts": false, "blockImages": false, "blockMixedContent": true, "blockScripts": true, "blockStylesheets": false, "blockVideos": false, "browserActionMenuEnabled": true, "compressCSS": false, "compressHTML": true, "confirmFilename": true, "confirmInfobarContent": true, "contextMenuEnabled": true, "createRootDirectory": false, "defaultEditorMode": "cut", "displayInfobar": true, "displayStats": false, "filenameConflictAction": "prompt", "filenameMaxLength": "192", "filenameMaxLengthUnit": "bytes", "filenameReplacedCharacters": [ "~", "+", "\\\\", "?", "%", "*", ":", "|", "\"", "<", ">", "\u0000-\u001f", "" ], "filenameReplacementCharacter": "_", "filenameTemplate": "{url-hostname} {page-title} [{year-locale}{month-locale}{visit-day-locale}T{visit-hours-locale}{visit-minutes-locale}{visit-seconds-locale}].zip.html", "forceWebAuthFlow": false, "githubBranch": "main", "githubRepository": "SingleFileZ-Archives", "githubToken": "", "githubUser": "", "ignoredBookmarkFolders": [ "" ], "includeBOM": false, "includeInfobar": true, "infobarTemplate": "{url-href} [{visit-year-locale}{visit-month-locale}{visit-day-locale}T{visit-hours-locale}{visit-minutes-locale}{visit-seconds-locale}]\\n{page-title} by {page-author}\\n{page-creator} {page-publisher}", "insertMetaCSP": true, "insertMetaNoIndex": false, "insertSingleFileComment": true, "insertTextBody": true, "loadDeferredImages": true, "loadDeferredImagesBlockCookies": false, "loadDeferredImagesBlockStorage": false, "loadDeferredImagesDispatchScrollEvent": false, "loadDeferredImagesKeepZoomLevel": false, "loadDeferredImagesMaxIdleTime": 1500, "logsEnabled": true, "maxResourceSize": 10, "maxResourceSizeEnabled": false, "moveStylesInHead": false, "networkTimeout": 0, "openEditor": true, "openSavedPage": false, "passReferrerOnError": false, "password": "", "progressBarEnabled": true, "removeAlternativeFonts": true, "removeAlternativeImages": true, "removeAlternativeMedias": true, "removeFrames": false, "removeHiddenElements": true, "removeSavedDate": false, "removeUnusedFonts": true, "removeUnusedStyles": true, "replaceBookmarkURL": true, "resolveFragmentIdentifierURLs": false, "saveCreatedBookmarks": false, "saveFavicon": true, "saveOriginalURLs": true, "saveRawPage": false, "saveToGDrive": false, "saveToGitHub": false, "saveWithWebDAV": false, "selfExtractingArchive": true, "shadowEnabled": true, "tabMenuEnabled": true, "userScriptEnabled": false, "warnUnsavedPage": true, "webDAVPassword": "", "webDAVURL": "", "webDAVUser": "" } }, "rules": [ { "autoSaveProfile": "__Default_Settings__", "profile": "__Default_Settings__", "url": "file:" } ], "maxParallelWorkers": 4 } ```

danny0838 commented 1 year ago

Fortunately we have found the root cause: some <style> tags dynamically generated by the web page is in SVG namespace (rather than HTML), which is a bad practice and somehow a violation of the HTML standard.

SingleFile doesn't suffer from this issue as it dumps the HTML code using a self-implemented algorithm rather than the native API. It's less performant and has a potential risk of breakage, though.

Anyway, we have implemented a workaround to fix the bad tags. It should work in 1.14.4 now.

lef-est commented 1 year ago

Wow the fix is fast. Thank you so much. Have a nice week ahead!