Closed ninalanyon closed 2 months ago
Please provide your capture options (copy from capture as ...
=> Advanced
), and the version of your OS, browser, and WSB.
OS: Linux Mint 20.3 Una Browser: Firefox 124.0.2 (64-bit) WSB: 2.9.1, Last Updated: 5 April 2024
Not quite sure what you mean by copy from capture as ... => Advanced. Here are all the entries from the exported options that begin with capture.
"capture.serverUploadWorkers": 4, "capture.serverUploadRetryCount": 3, "capture.serverUploadRetryDelay": 2000, "capture.downloadWorkers": 4, "capture.downloadRetryCount": 3, "capture.downloadRetryDelay": 1000, "capture.saveTo": "folder", "capture.saveFolder": "WebScrapBook/data", "capture.saveAs": "folder", "capture.saveFilename": "%source-host%/%source-pathname%/%source-search%/%source-hash%/%title%", "capture.saveFilenameMaxLenUtf16": 240, "capture.saveFilenameMaxLenUtf8": 480, "capture.saveAsciiFilename": false, "capture.saveOverwrite": false, "capture.saveFileAsHtml": false, "capture.saveDataUriAsFile": true, "capture.saveDataUriAsSrcdoc": true, "capture.saveResourcesSequentially": false, "capture.resourceSizeLimit": null, "capture.image": "save", "capture.imageBackground": "save-used", "capture.favicon": "save", "capture.faviconAttrs": "", "capture.canvas": "save", "": "save", "": "save", "capture.embed": "blank", "capture.object": "blank", "capture.applet": "blank", "capture.frame": "save", "capture.frameRename": true, "capture.font": "save-used", "": "save", "capture.styleInline": "save", "capture.rewriteCss": "url", "capture.mergeCssResources": true, "capture.script": "remove", "capture.noscript": "save", "capture.contentSecurityPolicy": "remove", "": "blank", "capture.preload": "remove", "capture.prefetch": "remove", "capture.base": "blank", "capture.formStatus": "keep", "capture.shadowDom": "save", "capture.removeHidden": "none", "capture.linkUnsavedUri": true, "capture.downLink.file.mode": "none", "capture.downLink.file.extFilter": "###image\n#bmp, gif, ico, jpg, jpeg, jpe, jp2, png, tif, tiff, svg\n###audio\n#aac, ape, flac, mid, midi, mp3, ogg, oga, ra, ram, rm, rmx, wav, wma\n###video\n#avc, avi, flv, mkv, mov, mpg, mpeg, mp4, wmv\n###archive\n#zip, rar, jar, bz2, gz, tar, rpm, 7z, 7zip, xz, jar, xpi, lzh, lha, lzma\n#/z[0-9]{2}|r[0-9]{2}/\n###document\n#pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, ods, odp, odg, odf, rtf, txt, csv\n###executable\n#exe, msi, dmg, bin, xpi, iso\n###any non-web-page\n#/(?!$|html?|xht(ml)?|php|py|pl|aspx?|cgi|jsp)(.*)/i", "capture.downLink.doc.depth": null, "capture.downLink.doc.delay": null, "capture.downLink.doc.mode": "source", "capture.downLink.doc.urlFilter": "", "capture.downLink.urlFilter": "###skip common logout URL\n/[/=]logout\b/i", "capture.downLink.urlExtra": "", "capture.referrerPolicy": "", "capture.referrerSpoofSource": false, "capture.recordDocumentMeta": true, "capture.recordRewrites": false, "capture.prettyPrint": false, "capture.insertInfoBar": true, "capture.helpersEnabled": false, "capture.helpers": "", "capture.remoteTabDelay": null, "capture.deleteErasedOnCapture": true, "capture.deleteErasedOnSave": false, "capture.backupForRecapture": true, "capture.zipCompressLevel": null,
It also happens on other pages:
Capturing (document) [7] ... Saving data... Fatal error: Failed to download "WebScrapBook/data/ someone explain the benefits of outlawing abortion In the 49 years Roe v. Wade was in... _ Abortion/index.html": Unable to download to the folder.
I suspect that the filename you defined has exceeded the max allowed length of your OS. Reduce the allowed filename length and see if the same issue still happens.
Close issue which lacks further information.
Occasionally I get errors like this:
In this case the url of the page is: