dannyconnell / quasalang

Generate Quasar i18n language files from a CSV file
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Code parse and automatic CSV builder #10

Open Serhioromano opened 1 year ago

Serhioromano commented 1 year ago

My propose is this. When one make app use something like this

$t(':::This is my key')
$t('thi-is-my-key:::Thi is my key text')

The idea is that when you create your app you do not think about saving keys in CSV you just place ::: in your text. Later you run command

quasalang parse

This will parse all documents and look for /\$t\(("|')([.]*)?:::([.]*)("|')\)/. Something like this nod exactly. But it will look all $t function with ::: in a string. When it finds :::And then text it created key from text and-then-text and save in CSV key and english translation, and content ot $t in the code change to key.

Before parse $t(':::This is my key'), after parse $t('this-is-my-key') and this-is-my-key = This is my key in CSV. Before parse $t('short-key:::Very long text'), after parse $t('short-key') and short-key = Very long text in CSV.

I did that on a number of projects already and I'll be happy to share is approved.