dannygaray60 / toziuha-night-oota

Opensource Metroidvania inspired on Castlevania Order of Ecclesia
MIT License
126 stars 28 forks source link

Use potion button #18

Closed Maunomau closed 3 weeks ago

Maunomau commented 2 years ago

Added a button for using a potion with just one key press instead of needing to press two, wanted to have it also make you crouch while it's held but figuring out how to do that was taking too long so didn't. Added nodes for binding it in Options.tscn but it's missing something to actually make it work. Didn't touch touch controls in any way. Also could have been just some weirdness on my side but .gitignore didn't seem to ignore imports properly so added a line that might fix that. Oh yeah, knowing what version of Godot I should have used would have been nice, had to be careful to not include changes newer versions of Godot do on their own.