dannyhw / addon_react_native_web_example

An example of the storybook addon in action
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React native reanimated not supported less the next version #1

Open barak109 opened 2 years ago

barak109 commented 2 years ago

Hi Danny, thanks for the great example.

I took your repo and just changed the version of react-native-reanimted to the version we have: 2.2.4 and the animated doesn't work.

I tried to check it with 2.3.0 and many other versions between 2.0.0 to the latest stable version 2.3.0.

React native reanimated said that they support from version 2.0.0 in web.

No one of the other versions works, only the 'next' one (2.8.0) that you use in this repo.

We can't update to 2.8.0 because it causes breaking changes in our big app, I will appreciate if you have a solution for us.

Thanks in advance.

dannyhw commented 2 years ago

@barak109 hey! I've not updated this example in a little while, let me update everything and I can get it working for you.

barak109 commented 2 years ago

@barak109 hey! I've not updated this example in a little while, let me update everything and I can get it working for you.

Thanks Danny, I appreciate it!

dannyhw commented 2 years ago

@barak109 I just updated everything in the project to the latest versions. I'm not sure about the reanimated problems you have though can you explain a bit more?

dannyhw commented 2 years ago

I had used that version of reanimated because there was some bug with the stable version at the time. However i think its resolved in newer versions.

barak109 commented 2 years ago

@barak109 I just updated everything in the project to the latest versions. I'm not sure about the reanimated problems you have though can you explain a bit more?

@dannyhw Yes, the problem is that we can't use the version you used with react-native-reanimated ( next = 2.8.0) so I'm asking if you know how to get it to work with 2.2.4 version for reanimated the one we have in the project?

Maybe there is really a bug as you said in this version.

dannyhw commented 2 years ago

@barak109 well what I mean is what error do you have? what is making it not work?

barak109 commented 2 years ago

@barak109 well what I mean is what error do you have? what is making it not work?

@dannyhw , I’m getting this error https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-reanimated/issues/2546

dannyhw commented 2 years ago

so I think the version 2.2.4 had some issues with web but 2.3.3 works fine, does that version not work for you?