danomatika / ofxPd

(maintained) a Pure Data addon for OpenFrameworks using libpd
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pd.sendFloat to reverb doesn't work #36

Closed damia closed 10 years ago

damia commented 10 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to send float to reverb but doesn't work, I do the same with a delay and it woks and is the same process. Here you can see some screenshot from my project.

patch of pd:

captura de pantalla 2014-06-22 a la s 17 51 06

source code in OF:

captura de pantalla 2014-06-22 a la s 17 52 30

I think the value of sendFloat works properly, because when I print it on the consol it shows the correct number

Do you know how can I solve it?


danomatika commented 10 years ago

I would use an actual receive object: [r reverbQuadratBlau]

damia commented 10 years ago

Yes, also I tried but it doesn't work... I don't understand. The delay effect is the same and works, and the procedure is exactly

damia commented 10 years ago

I think the problem is the freeverb in pd. Am I right? Anyone knows some different way to create a reverb?


danomatika commented 10 years ago

Yes, freeverb~ is an external included with Pd-extended, but libpd only has the Pd-vanilla objects. Therefore, lippd can't create the freeverb~ object since it doesn't know what it is.

You can do one of two things:

1 include the freeverb~ source files and compile it in with libpd (see the guide in the ofxPd README) 2 use a reverb made with the built in Pd-vanilla objects (see 3.audio.examples/G08.reverb.pd in the Pd help)

As for option 2, see the e_reverb in rjlib.

damia commented 10 years ago

it works! I use the vfreeverb, I didn't know ofxpd only works with vanilla objects. thank you very much @danomatika !!