danpalmer / SUSSED-Mockup

This is what students want from SUSSED.
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Pictures/assignments #1

Closed readingr closed 12 years ago

readingr commented 12 years ago

I think it's too segmented at the moment and so It needs some sort of main article in the centre of the page like your previous mockup. Some pictures wouldn't go amis, perhaps of the ducks or something, we all know how much ECS like ducks. A block for the handin system would probably be good too.

For specific subjects, e.g. people in ECS:

Perhaps a link to see all pieces of coursework currently set in your department - if you're in ECS you can see how many deadlines there are for that given day so you know how busy it is in labs, or, even better have a list of how many computers are free in labs at the moment.

danpalmer commented 12 years ago

When you mention the previous mockup, I haven't changed much at all. Are you sure you are looking at http://danpalmer.github.com/SUSSED-Mockup/mockup/? If not, I will think about how to make it less segmented. Any suggestions?

The handin system block is fair enough for ECS students, but many other use other systems. I think a simple 'handin' link next to each assignment in the list is probably enough, and these lists are really basic at the moment. The real thing would probably have them styled a lot more specifically for coursework items rather than looking identical to the other lists on the page.

Remember that this is NOT supposed to replace the ECS intranet. Things like computer availability in ECS Labs is not something I think should be in the system, but perhaps seat availability for the ISS labs. I will think about adding it.

As for pictures of the ducks, that would be nearly as pointless as the picture of some leaves on the current intranet site. I really hope you were joking about that.

readingr commented 12 years ago

I was looking at this: http://f.dapl.me/CFmu it showed your name so I assumed it was your previous mockup. I would put a main feed down the middle with boxes either side.

Handin block seems good then :)

I was using ECS as an example with the availability of labs, i.e. for ECS students show labs, for others show their respective systems or if they do not have equivalents show ISS labs.

I was joking about ducks but I do think we need some form of a picture to make it less text heavy. I'm not quite sure what but being presented with a screen full of text is not the most enjoyable experience and could confuse some people.

readingr commented 12 years ago

Also the ability to customise your own layout like with the (old :( ) bbc homepage. I.e. rearrange the boxes position to how you wish to view them

danpalmer commented 12 years ago

Haha, no. That thing you linked to is the Intranet site that made me want to make a mockup of a better site. That is what iSolutions have so far for the replacement of SUSSED. My mockup is the second screenshot and the site that this Github repository links to.

readingr commented 12 years ago

Well i'll say that one thing you certainly have better than them is the bar at the top with calendar, email etc. Much nicer than what they have. I believe whatever is implemented should have that menu. Kind-of reminds of Mobile Me.

danpalmer commented 12 years ago

Cool. I will get working on something for this later.

danpalmer commented 12 years ago

Closed because this is effectively done, or being done.