danpaquin / coinbasepro-python

The unofficial Python client for the Coinbase Pro API
MIT License
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AuthenticatedClient.place_stop_order Returning Invalid #450

Open ForrestHerman opened 3 years ago

ForrestHerman commented 3 years ago

Currently using the below line of code to try and place a stop order


The resulting console output can be seen below

{'message': 'Invalid order_type stop'}

Checking my orders on Coinbase Pro confirms that no orders were placed.

The following two lines of code do however work



pip list shows cbpro as being version 1.1.4

scumola commented 3 years ago

Also seeing this same behavior using: cbpro-notbroken v1.1.5 or cbpro v1.1.4

scumola commented 3 years ago

Fixed in another repo. Remove this cbpro and: pip install git+git://github.com/coin-tracker/coinbasepro-python.git should give you the working version - the stop order syntax has changed slightly, so need to adjust. The new repo has updated README, so use that example.

fajtak commented 3 years ago

There is this very "stupid" but very simple workarround:

instead of ussing place_stop_order() you can use place_order() with the parameters that would be used for place_stop_order(). It worked for me.

params = {'product_id': pair, 'side': "sell", 'price': new_price, 'order_type': "limit", 'stop': "loss", 'stop_price': new_price, 'size': new_size, 'funds': None, 'client_oid': None, 'stp': None, 'overdraft_enabled': None, 'funding_amount': None} params = dict((k, v) for k, v in params.items() if v is not None)

out = client.place_order(**params)