danphenderson / baldin

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Feat: admin Interface ui #25

Closed danphenderson closed 4 months ago

danphenderson commented 9 months ago

Use openapi.json to generate and admin interface.

reating a React-TypeScript admin interface based on your provided openapi.json involves several steps. The openapi.json file defines various API endpoints, request/response structures, and authentication mechanisms. Here's a high-level overview of how you could approach this task:

Parse the OpenAPI Specification:

Use a library like swagger-parser or openapi-typescript to parse the OpenAPI specification and generate TypeScript interfaces and types. This will ensure type safety and help with auto-completion in your IDE. Setup React Project with TypeScript:

Create a new React project with TypeScript support. You can use Create React App with the TypeScript template for this. Install necessary dependencies like react-router-dom for routing, axios or fetch for making API calls, and a UI library like Material-UI or Ant Design for pre-built components. Design the Admin Interface:

Based on your API endpoints, design different pages/components for each major functionality (e.g., Authentication, User Management, Lead Management, ETL Event Management). Implement forms for creating and updating resources, tables or lists for displaying data, and other UI elements as needed. Implement API Services:

Create services to interact with the API. These services will use the generated types and interfaces from the OpenAPI specification. Handle authentication (JWT tokens), request headers, and error handling in these services. State Management:

Depending on the complexity of your admin interface, consider using state management libraries like Redux or Context API for managing global state (e.g., user authentication state). Routing and Navigation:

Setup routing using react-router-dom. Protect certain routes (e.g., user management) and redirect based on user authentication status or role. Testing and Validation:

Write unit tests for your components and services using a library like Jest or React Testing Library. Validate forms based on the requirements in your OpenAPI specification. Deployment and Environment Setup:

Set up different environments (development, staging, production) and configure environment variables. Prepare the application for deployment on a hosting service or server. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

Implement CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment using tools like GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, or Jenkins. Documentation and Maintenance:

Document the setup process, component usage, and any specific configurations. Plan for regular maintenance and updates to keep the application secure and up to date with dependencies. This outline provides a roadmap for building the React-TypeScript admin interface. Each step involves detailed implementation, which would depend on your specific requirements and the details of your openapi.json file.

danphenderson commented 4 months ago

Disregard the Llm above, implementing with starlette-admin. The process has uncovered issues with my underlying model definitions... wip