danpros / htmly

Simple and fast databaseless PHP blogging platform, and Flat-File CMS
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Facebook Comments? #104

Closed mitchellurgero closed 9 years ago

mitchellurgero commented 10 years ago

I have my App ID in the config.ini and I am still not seeing facebook comments.

Am I missing something else? Also Change comment.system = "facebook"

Kanti commented 10 years ago

If you didn't fixed your problem, than please show your site and the config.ini to us.

bimakuru commented 9 years ago

my site onlivestream.net, the facebook comment form didn't appear can you help me ?


; The URL of your blog. Include the http or https. site.url = "//onlivestream.net/"

timezone = ""

; Blog info blog.title = "OnLiveStream.net" blog.tagline = "live stream sport match" blog.description = "live streaming football, soccer, basket match" blog.copyright = "(c) OnLiveSTream.net"

; Social account social.twitter = "" social.facebook = "" social.google = "" social.tumblr = ""

; Custom menu link. ; See example below: ; "Google->http://www.google.com|Wikipedia->http://www.wikipedia.org". blog.menu = ""

; Breadcrumb home text. Useful when installed on subfolder. breadcrumb.home = "Home"

; Comment system. Choose "facebook", "disqus", or "disable". comment.system = "facebook"

;Facebook comments fb.appid = "445258105650643" fb.num = "5" fb.color = "light"

; Disqus comments disqus.shortname = "OnLiveStream"

; Google Web Master Tool ID verification google.wmt.id = ""

; Google+ publisher google.publisher = ""

; Google analytics google.analytics.id = ""

; Google reCaptcha ; https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin

google.reCaptcha = "" google.reCaptcha.public = "" google.reCaptcha.private = ""

; Pagination, RSS, and JSON posts.perpage = "5" tag.perpage = "10" archive.perpage = "10" search.perpage = "10" profile.perpage = "10" json.count = "10"

; Related posts related.count = "4"

; Author info on blog post. Set "true" or "false". author.info = "true"

; Teaser type: set "trimmed" or "full". teaser.type = "trimmed"

; Teaser char count teaser.char = "200"

; Description char count description.char = "150"

;RSS feed count rss.count = "10"

;RSS feed description length. If left empty we will use full page. rss.char = ""

; Enable image thumbnail on teaser, the options is "true" and "false". If set to "true", you can specify the default thumbnail also. img.thumbnail = "true" default.thumbnail = ""

;Enable or disable jQuery, if Lightbox is "on" then this option ignored. jquery = "true"

; Lightbox inline image handling. This can slowdown your page load, especially when Disqus enabled. "on" or "off". lightbox = "off"

; Set the theme here views.root = "themes/logs"

;Enable view Counter, the options is "true" and "false". If set to "true", you can see the Counts in Admin page. views.counter = "true"

; Framework config. No need to edit. views.layout = "layout"

danpros commented 9 years ago

If you are using Facebook comment or Disqus make sure to change your site.url to use http or https and not just // example:

; The URL of your blog. Include the http or https. site.url = "http://onlivestream.net/"