danpros / htmly

Simple and fast databaseless PHP blogging platform, and Flat-File CMS
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[views.root] is not set On Install #121

Closed Xarcell closed 9 years ago

Xarcell commented 9 years ago

I get the error on a fresh install: [views.root] is not set

I checked the config file and it's defined. I also checked to make sure the folders are there and they are. What am I doing wrong?

ncang commented 9 years ago

in config.ini

; The URL of your blog. Include the http or https.
site.url = ""

just write down your site, eg your site is example.com

; The URL of your blog. Include the http or https.
site.url = "http://example.com"
Xarcell commented 9 years ago

I did that. I tried with and without the trailing /.


EDIT: PHPinfo, just in case you need it: http://files.xarcell-studios.com/php-info.php

ncang commented 9 years ago

I've never tried "htmly installation" on subdomain + directory. maybe like issues https://github.com/danpros/htmly/issues/106

Kanti commented 9 years ago

@Xarcell is there a config.ini in the htmly-2.3/config/ Directory?

Xarcell commented 9 years ago


Kanti commented 9 years ago

@Xarcell then please show us the contents of the File.

Xarcell commented 9 years ago

; The URL of your blog. Include the http or https. site.url = "http://files.xarcell-studios.com/htmly/htmly-2.3"

timezone = "Asia/Jakarta"

; Blog info blog.title = "HTMLy" blog.tagline = "Just another HTMLy blog" blog.description = "Proudly powered by HTMLy, a databaseless blogging platform." blog.copyright = "(c) Your name."

; Social account social.twitter = "https://twitter.com" social.facebook = "https://www.facebook.com" social.google = "https://plus.google.com" social.tumblr = "http://www.tumblr.com"

; Custom menu link. ; See example below: ; "Google->http://www.google.com|Wikipedia->http://www.wikipedia.org". blog.menu = ""

; Breadcrumb home text. Useful when installed on subfolder. breadcrumb.home = "Home"

; Comment system. Choose "facebook", "disqus", or "disable". comment.system = "disable"

;Facebook comments fb.appid = "" fb.num = "5" fb.color = "light"

; Disqus comments disqus.shortname = ""

; Google Web Master Tool ID verification google.wmt.id = ""

; Google+ publisher google.publisher = ""

; Google analytics google.analytics.id = ""

; Pagination, RSS, and JSON posts.perpage = "5" tag.perpage = "10" archive.perpage = "10" search.perpage = "10" profile.perpage = "10" json.count = "10"

; Related posts related.count = "4"

; Author info on blog post. Set "true" or "false". author.info = "true"

; Teaser type: set "trimmed" or "full". teaser.type = "trimmed"

; Teaser char count teaser.char = "200"

; Description char count description.char = "150"

;RSS feed count rss.count = "10"

;RSS feed description length. If left empty we will use full page. rss.char = ""

; Enable image thumbnail on teaser, the options is "true" and "false". If set to "true", you can specify the default thumbnail also. img.thumbnail = "true" default.thumbnail = ""

;Enable or disable jQuery, if Lightbox is "on" then this option ignored. jquery = "disable"

; Lightbox inline image handling. This can slowdown your page load, especially when Disqus enabled. "on" or "off". lightbox = "off"

; Set the theme here views.root = "themes/logs"

;Enable view Counter, the options is "true" and "false". If set to "true", you can see the Counts in Admin page. views.counter = "true"

; Framework config. No need to edit. views.layout = "layout"

Kanti commented 9 years ago

I don't see where the error comes from.

put these lines into the index.php file, before the require lines:

ini_set("display_errors", 1);
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
require 'system/htmly.php';

and than give use the output.

Xarcell commented 9 years ago

aha! Server setting perhaps?

Warning: parse_ini_file() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/xarpixel/public_html/files.xarcell-studios.com/htmly/htmly-2.3/system/includes/dispatch.php on line 45 [views.root] is not set

Kanti commented 9 years ago

Yes it looks like that is the problem.

Xarcell commented 9 years ago

Any idea as to what plugin or setting it is?

Kanti commented 9 years ago

maybe this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5593080/enable-parse-ini-file-into-htaccess

Xarcell commented 9 years ago

Does HTMLy use allow_url_fopen? If so, then that would be the problem. It would actually restrict many users who use shared hosting as this is usually disabled for security reasons. CURL should be used instead...

Kanti commented 9 years ago

The Problem here is not an allow_url_fopen problem. Your point is still a good Help Thanks.

Xarcell commented 9 years ago

I'm going to close this because I managed to fix this about a month ago. PHP version was the issue.