danr / proptest

Property-based testing a'la QuickCheck for TypeScript and JavaScript
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Feedback and opinions #2

Closed paldepind closed 6 years ago

paldepind commented 6 years ago

Hello @danr. I think this library looks really cool and very useful. I'm very intersted in using it myself. Below is a braindump of feedback and various opinions. I hope some it might be useful to you.

First of all, I think this library is very promising. Property-based testing is super useful but so far no JS library has made that available in an easily accessible way. JSVerify has come closest but as far as I can tell it hasn't reached an audience wider than the "JavaScript programmers who love Haskell" niche. I think a big part of the reason is:

  1. The API includes writing Haskell type declarations inside strings. Writing code inside strings isn't nice and the Haskell syntax is off-putting to most JS developers.
  2. The documentation isn't good enough.

I think ts-quickcheck can bring a lot of value to JavaScript and gain a lot of traction if it nails the API and becomes reasonably documented.

In my opinion, the API should strive to be as simple and concise as possible.

I find this to be quite heavy handed and tricky to read.

    (m, p) => equals(concat(list(), list(...xs)), list(xs))

To me this is much more concise and easy to understand.

QC.forall(QC.array, (xs) => equals(concat(list(), list(...xs))));

forall is much shorter than QuickCheck and I avoid having to type Gen. If forall indicates errors by throwing an exception I could easily use forall inside any testing framework.

With regards to the implementation, I must say I personally think some of the code is quite unidiomatic JavaScript. It looks more like how a Java/C# programmer whould write TyepScript than how a JavaScript programmer whould write TypeScript.

Here are a few of the things that I noticed:

Can you point me towards a paper or something similar that explains the implementation techniques behind the library? I'm still trying to grok how the code works.

Anyway, that was just a couple of opinions. I'll very much be looking forward to how this library progresses :smile:

danr commented 6 years ago

Hi @paldepind, thanks a lot for the write up!

Regarding these three points:

In my opinion, the API should strive to be as simple and concise as possible.

Overruse of classes and static methods.

QC.forall(QC.array, (xs) => equals(concat(list(), list(...xs)))); forall is much shorter than QuickCheck and I avoid having to type Gen.

I agree that the API should be simple and concise :)

I wanted users to be able to import the Gen type and its (static) methods in one go. I also don't know how to reexport functions from another file, so I have found it convenient to just attach them to the Gen class.

Another reason why I make the methods static is because I want the constructor of Gen to be private and then I can only access it using static in TypeScript.

With this background, do you see a way to export the Gen type along with utility functions from the main entry point of the library? Here's an incomplete sketch:

    export class Gen<A> { ... } 
        // or
    export interface Gen<A> { ... }

    export function between(lo: number, hi: number): Gen<A> { ... }

    // import & rexport contents of src/Gen.ts, including the Gen type

    // your forall function 
    export function forall<A>(g: Gen<A>, (a: A) => boolean) { ... }

With you importing the entire library as QC, how do you want to refer to the Gen type? Using QC.Gen?

If forall indicates errors by throwing an exception I could easily use forall inside any testing framework.

I will expose such a function.

Variable names with underscores. shrink_number, etc. In JavaScript, variables are most often in camelCase. Function names that begin with a capital. Like PrintTestResult, QuickCheck, etc. This is bad practice.

I just find camelCase ugly and I'm happy I'm not writing Haskell which (essentially) enforces it. I can try to use camelCase, at least for exported functions :P

Even though _between is private on on Gen JavaScript consumers can still reach it. _between could easily be converted to a function and then it would be completely private.

This confusion for JavaScript consumers is good point against static methods, thanks.

Can you point me towards a paper or something similar that explains the implementation techniques behind the library? I'm still trying to grok how the code works.

I don't think there is an article with this particular implementation technique. The idea is to make use a reader transformer with the random number generator and the current size as environment over a (lazy) rose tree, which represents the generated value and potential shrinks. When shrinking starts it does a depth-first search over the tree until the property is no longer false.

The Haskell QuickCheck internally has such a tree but it is not exposed when making generators. There are clean implementations in the code bases of Hedgehog and purescript-jack (which seems to be quite a faithful PureScript translation).

paldepind commented 6 years ago

I wanted users to be able to import the Gen type and its (static) methods in one go. I also don't know how to reexport functions from another file, so I have found it convenient to just attach them to the Gen class.

Here is how you can do it

// Gen.ts

export function char() {
  // ...
function _between(..) { // Not exported, completely private both statically and at run-time
  // ...
export function between(lo: number, hi: number): Gen<number> {
  // ...

// main.ts

// reexport everything from Gen.ts
export * from './Gen'
// alternatively one can decide what get reexported
export {char, between} from './gen'

The benefit is that then people can easily choose how they want to import things:

import * as QC from 'ts-quickcheck' // import into namespace
import {between, forall} from 'ts-quickcheck' // get most used stuff directly in scope

Another reason why I make the methods static is because I want the constructor of Gen to be private and then I can only access it using static in TypeScript.

Good point. I ran into the same problem in List. The List constructor should be private but I can't since I use the constructor in some internal functions. But there is only a single constructor and there can be many internal functions. So I'd rather make the single constructor public to gain the benefit that I can make all the internal function truly private.

With this background, do you see a way to export the Gen type along with utility functions from the main entry point of the library?

Please let me know if what I wrote above is what you had in mind.

With you importing the entire library as QC, how do you want to refer to the Gen type? Using QC.Gen?

Yes, exactly.

I will expose such a function.

I'll definitely be looking forward to that. I'm very interested in using the library to test List.

I just find camelCase ugly and I'm happy I'm not writing Haskell which (essentially) enforces it. I can try to use camelCase, at least for exported functions :P

That sounds like a good tradeof :+1:

I don't think there is an article with this particular implementation technique.

I'll be looking more closely at your implementation then.

danr commented 6 years ago

I now pushed a commit which makes it possible to import all generator combinators in the same namespace as forall and similar functions. It should now be possible to write something like so:

import * as QC from 'ts-quickcheck'
QC.forall(QC.nat.replicate(2), ([x,y]) => x+10 > y)

I find it a bit confusing not to use the Gen prefix for generators so I'm importing two copies of the namespace now, as QC and as Gen, in the tests right now.

paldepind commented 6 years ago

It looks really good to me :+1:

I'll close the issue.