dansan / spring-replay-site

Website to upload, comment and download replays from/for the SpringRTS engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
11 stars 1 forks source link

springfiles is on springfiles.springrts.com #135

Closed abma closed 2 years ago

abma commented 2 years ago

springfiles.com doesn't exist any more!


(also xmlrpc.php was removed as the code was completely rewritten in python)

dansan commented 2 years ago

Is there is replacement system?

abma commented 2 years ago

oops, should have noted it:


dansan commented 2 years ago

I updated the metal, height map and download URLs in the existing map-info entries:

In [1]: from srs.models import *                                                                                                                           
In [2]: from srs.utils import update_map_info_urls                                                                                                         
In [3]: for num, map_info in enumerate(Map.objects.all()): 
   ...:     print(f"Map ({num}/{Map.objects.count()}): {map_info.name!r}") 
   ...:     if not map_info.metadata2 or "mapimages" not in map_info.metadata2 or any("api.springfiles.com" in url for url in map_info.metadata2.get("mapim
   ...: ages", [])): 
   ...:         print("Updating URLs...") 
   ...:         update_map_info_urls(map_info) 
   ...:     else: 
   ...:         print("URLs up2date.") 

Map (0/1677): '1 Pass Greenland'
URLs up2date.
Map (1/1677): '1 Pass Greenland Inverted v2'
Map (21/1677): '1944_Road_To_Rome_V2'
Updating URLs...
[2022-02-04 10:16:54,204  ] [1856385] [ERROR] [utils.update_map_info_urls:85] Error fetching map info for '1944_Road_To_Rome_V2' (540).
Map (22/1677): '1944_Road_To_Rome_V3'
Updating URLs...
Map (1675/1677): 'Zion_v1'
Updating URLs...
Map (1676/1677): 'Zoric'
URLs up2date.