knorke suggests:
At the moment recently played matches take up most space on frontpage, but think for most players those are not so interessting and pretty random.
Maybe have only one row of "recently played games", another row of "currently popular" (based on downloads, comments) and then there is still some space to have the game-selector on frontpage?
There is already "Most popular replays" but it is only text, not nice images like the recent ones. (and the difference between "most popular" and "currently popular")
knorke suggests: At the moment recently played matches take up most space on frontpage, but think for most players those are not so interessting and pretty random. Maybe have only one row of "recently played games", another row of "currently popular" (based on downloads, comments) and then there is still some space to have the game-selector on frontpage?
There is already "Most popular replays" but it is only text, not nice images like the recent ones. (and the difference between "most popular" and "currently popular")