dansanderson / picotool

Tools and Python libraries for manipulating Pico-8 game files. http://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php
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"Alias"-ing of built-in PICO-8 functions? [Suggestion] #21

Open Liquidream opened 7 years ago

Liquidream commented 7 years ago


Just a suggestion: rather than excluding built-in PICO-8 functions from being "minified", could luamin instead create a shorter "alias" to them? Such as... pr=printh pr("hello world") This is a technique I normally use from time to time to reduce the overall character count.

Now, I guess this would only be beneficial if a particular function is called more than a couple of times (to warrant the overhead of the alias), but just thought that, if possible, this might be a way to further reduce the final output's footprint.

At the very least, it would be nice if luamin wouldn't "break" the code when I setup a function alias (which seems to happen currently).

Anyways, just a thought. :wink:

dansanderson commented 6 years ago

The suggestion is plausible and it wouldn't be too difficult to count uses and only add the alias if it's productive. I'd be curious to do a keyword counting sweep over a large set of carts to estimate real world gains.

Can you elaborate on the last bit about the current behavior breaking aliases?

pr("hello world")

currently minifies correctly to

a("hello world")

Do you have an example that breaks?