dansays / homebridge-applescript

Applescript plugin for homebridge: https://github.com/nfarina/homebridge
20 stars 8 forks source link

homebridge-applescript - script triggers only working externally - why? #11

Open manuspam opened 1 year ago

manuspam commented 1 year ago

Hi all

i cannot get this plugin to work. I install it in Homebridge, set my triggername and commands correctly and restart the server. The applescripts just do not fire.

Please find my json file below. https://jsonlint.com/ says my json is ok.

Is this plugin still operational in Big Sur 11.7? Is the problem the accessability rights in Mac Settings? Or is it because I use the "Homebridge Tuya Platform" plugin and use a Tuya item as the trigger?

Any ideas appreciated. Manu

{ "bridge": { "name": "Homebridge 9599", "username": "123", "port": 51953, "pin": "456", "advertiser": "bonjour-hap" }, "platforms": [{ "name": "Config", "port": 8581, "auth": "form", "theme": "auto", "tempUnits": "c", "lang": "auto", "platform": "config" }, { "options": { "username": "123", "password": "456", "accessId": "234", "accessKey": "789", "lang": "en", "projectType": "2", "appSchema": "tuyaSmart", "countryCode": 41, "debug": false }, "name": "TuyaPlatform", "platform": "TuyaPlatform" } ], "accessories": [{ "accessory": "Applescript", "name": "TESTTRIGGER", "on": "tell application ''TextEdit'' to activate", "off": "tell application ''TextEdit'' to quit" }], "disabledPlugins": [] }

manuspam commented 1 year ago

Update: I can trigger scripts which will run, but not WITHIN homebridge. When I trigger the commands externally, the scripts run fine. Any ideas why this only works externally?