dansiegel / Mobile.BuildTools

The Mobile.BuildTools makes it easier to develop code bases in a clean, consistent, secure, and configurable way. Determine at Build which environment your app needs to run on, and what Client Secrets it should have. Plus many more amazing features!
MIT License
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Build failure with default buildtools.json in VS for Mac #263

Closed bijington closed 3 years ago

bijington commented 3 years ago


Installing package 2.0.226-pre-g0393c9afa6 fails a build with:

/Mobile.BuildTools.targets(5,5): Error: Method not found: bool Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonProperty.get_IsRequiredSpecified() (SuperWordsearch)

Note that this works in version 2.0.208-pre-ge7c596f789 and also with the version above using the CLI.

Reproduction Steps

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install or update to 2.0.226-pre-g0393c9afa6
  2. Build
  3. Observe the error

Expected Behavior

The projects should compile.

Actual Behavior

/Mobile.BuildTools.targets(5,5): Error: Method not found: bool Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonProperty.get_IsRequiredSpecified() (SuperWordsearch)


Reproduction App

Sample project that fails inside VS for Mac. template.zip

Frustratingly it seems to build find in the CLI. msbuild.binlog.zip

bijington commented 3 years ago

Could it relate to this addition:

<PackageReference Update="Newtonsoft.Json.Schema" Version="3.0.14" />

A potential conflict with whatever VS for Mac is loading?

dansiegel commented 3 years ago

closed by #264