dansiegel / Mobile.BuildTools

The Mobile.BuildTools makes it easier to develop code bases in a clean, consistent, secure, and configurable way. Determine at Build which environment your app needs to run on, and what Client Secrets it should have. Plus many more amazing features!
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Bundle Version not replaced on iOS in Azure Devops Pipeline #305

Open jtorvald opened 2 years ago

jtorvald commented 2 years ago

I'm using Mobile.BuildTools 2.0.245 in Azure Devops Pipeline with iOS and the Bundle Version does not get replaced with the Build Number. I've this in buildtools.json:

  "automaticVersioning": {
    "behavior": "PreferBuildNumber",
    "environment": "All",
    "versionOffset": 0,
    "disable": false

Also added this in the .csproj: <AutomaticVersionBehavior>PreferBuildNumber</AutomaticVersionBehavior>

I see this in the build log:

  Executing Automatic Version Generator
  Build Number: 8205
  Processing Manifest

And still the Bundle Version is 1.0 when I check the build.

What is also interesting is that when I build Android, the setting does not have any effect. When I change to Timestamp it still uses the build number and even when I turn off buildtools automatic versioning it used the build number in the AndroidManifest.

I get the impression it just doesn't work on iOS (either bug or I missed something) and it uses some default functionality outside of Mobile.BuildTools on Azure Pipeline.

Apologies for the confusing report, but any pointers would be appreciated.