dantaeyoung / RhinoRift

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Question on your software #1

Open FrankieCpp opened 9 years ago

FrankieCpp commented 9 years ago

hi provolot, my name is francesco, I'm an italian student in computer science. I am currently implementing a project with oculus rift for my thesis. My project consist in showing 3D objects into CAD spaces. I've used rhinorift to try my application and now I have to incorporate it in my project. My question is: would you like sharing the source code of the teacker application? I won't copy your application. Rather, i need to understand how to work for creating
the piece of code necessary for my thesis. if it is a problem sorry for the question otherwise thanks for your help :simple_smile:

Have a good day

dantaeyoung commented 9 years ago

Hi Francesco,

Thanks for getting in touch! Are you talking about the OpenTrack program/tracker? If so, that's not mine - the code is here: https://github.com/opentrack/opentrack

Cheers, provolot/Dan