dantaki / SV2

Support Vector Structural Variation Genotyper
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Invalid generated VCF #9

Closed holtgrewe closed 6 years ago

holtgrewe commented 6 years ago

bcftools says:

[W::bcf_hdr_parse_line] Dropped trailing junk from header line '##FILTER=<ID=GAP>,Description="Variant overlaps to reference gaps >50%">'
[W::vcf_parse] FILTER 'STR,FAIL' is not defined in the header
[E::bcf_hdr_parse_line] Could not parse the header line: "##FILTER=<ID=STR,FAIL,Description="Dummy">"
[E::vcf_parse] Could not add dummy header for FILTER 'STR,FAIL'
dantaki commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the heads up. I'll push a fix soon