dantame / sentient

Simple sentiment analysis using the AFINN-111 word list
34 stars 7 forks source link

support strings that don't have matches #4

Open KevinColemanInc opened 7 years ago

KevinColemanInc commented 7 years ago

If a string doesn't have a matching phrase, then it fails with an Enum.EmptyError

Sentient.analyze(" ")
slashdotdash commented 7 years ago

@KevinColemanInc This appears to be fixed by commit 4f862f7d1f5bdd1aab3d7fdb602f022a3c138d63 but has not been published to hex.

A workaround is to reference that commit hash in mix.exs:

defp deps do
  [{:sentient, github: "dantame/sentient", ref: "4f862f7d1f5bdd1aab3d7fdb602f022a3c138d63"}]

@dantame Could you please bump the version and publish to hex.