dantasfiles / AmplifyReactNativeTypes

Custom Type Declarations for the "aws-amplify-react-native" package
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Two new properties for `iTheme` type #1

Closed pkreipke closed 3 years ago

pkreipke commented 4 years ago

Thank you for this types file! Very helpful.

When I just used import { AmplifyTheme } from 'aws-amplify-react-native' and inspected the AmplifyTheme it contains two new theme properties.

    signedOutMessage: {};
    sectionFooterLinkDisabled: {};

Examples: signedOutMessage is the message at the bottom of the screen. sectionFooterLinkDisabled is the style of the "Resend Code" link in the confirm code screen when inactive.

I was able to successfully override and use them.

Can also see them (and a few others) here: https://github.com/aws-amplify/amplify-js/blob/main/packages/aws-amplify-react-native/src/AmplifyTheme.ts

Regards, Per

dantasfiles commented 3 years ago
