danth / stylix

System-wide colorscheming and typography for NixOS
MIT License
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kde: LookAndFeel never works on Plasma 6 #350

Open NovaViper opened 2 months ago

NovaViper commented 2 months ago

Hey, I've been noticing since I started using stylix on KDE Plasma 6, the LookandFeel portion of the theme never actually gets applied. I look in the logs for Home-Manager and it says this:

Activating stylixLookAndFeel
Successfully set the wallpaper for all desktops to the KPackage based /nix/store/sw672rfici0x108fwgvmbld6mrp0xxjy-stylix-kde-theme/share/wallpapers/stylix
KPackageStructure of KPluginMetaData(pluginId:"stylix", fileName: "/home/novaviper/.nix-profile/share/plasma/look-and-feel/stylix/metadata.json") does not match requested format "Plasma/LookAndFeel"

Nix Information:

❯ nix-shell -p nix-info --run "nix-info -m"
 - system: `"x86_64-linux"`
 - host os: `Linux 6.8.6, NixOS, 24.05 (Uakari), 24.05.20240415.b941d52`
 - multi-user?: `yes`
 - sandbox: `yes`
 - version: `nix-env (Nix) 2.18.2`
 - nixpkgs: `/nix/store/panhvrac6ra4wpj9hrg19v4gn189hrqw-source`
NovaViper commented 1 month ago

Also I just noticed in the journalctl logs, the system is saying this

May 25 23:14:41 ryzennova plasma-apply-lookandfeel[159060]: "applications.menu"  not found in  QList("/home/novaviper/.config/menus", "/nix/store/6a4mg7j97949zmiid2z49bi4a0cqb1sk-plasma-workspace-6.0.5/etc/xdg/menus", "/etc/profiles/per-user/novaviper/etc/xdg/menus", "/run/current-system/sw/etc/xdg/menus")
May 25 23:14:41 ryzennova plasma-apply-lookandfeel[159060]: KPackageStructure of KPluginMetaData(pluginId:"stylix", fileName: "/home/novaviper/.nix-profile/share/plasma/look-and-feel/stylix/metadata.json") does not match requested format "Plasma/LookAndFeel"