danth / stylix

System-wide colorscheming and typography for NixOS
MIT License
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Wallpaper on Tiling WMs question #373

Open vod3 opened 1 month ago

vod3 commented 1 month ago

Hi there, It's not clear to me how stylix is setting the wallpaper. I'm currently using Hyprland with wbg as a wallpaper setter, but after applying a theme everything changes, only the wallpaper stays the same. Am I supposed to deactivate wbg, has stylix an included wallpaper daemon for wayland?

Furthermore, under Tips and Tricks in the docs there seems to be a interesting function. How is the pixel function working? Where can I find the generated wallpaper for activating it? is "base0A" taking a color-variable from the theme or is it just naming the wallpaper? The docs are not clear on all of my points I'm afraid...

{ pkgs, config, ... }:

  stylix = {
    image = config.lib.stylix.pixel "base0A";
    base16Scheme = "${pkgs.base16-schemes}/share/themes/catppuccin-latte.yaml";

Thanks for your time!

trueNAHO commented 1 month ago

It's not clear to me how stylix is setting the wallpaper. I'm currently using Hyprland with wbg as a wallpaper setter, but after applying a theme everything changes, only the wallpaper stays the same. Am I supposed to deactivate wbg, has stylix an included wallpaper daemon for wayland?

https://github.com/danth/stylix/pull/102 was meant to extend wallpaper capabilities.

Furthermore, under Tips and Tricks in the docs there seems to be a interesting function. How is the pixel function working? Where can I find the generated wallpaper for activating it? is "base0A" taking a color-variable from the theme or is it just naming the wallpaper?

The best pixel documentation would the function itself:


The docs are not clear on all of my points I'm afraid...

Yes, the documentation still has some ways to go.

danth commented 1 month ago

Built in support for wallpapers on Hyprland is being worked on in #377