danth / stylix

System-wide colorscheming and typography for NixOS
MIT License
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Stylix no longer functional after update #417

Closed ArtemChandragupta closed 2 weeks ago

ArtemChandragupta commented 2 weeks ago

Hi. I use Stylix mainly to set a GTK theme, because default gruvbox-gtk is full of bugs. So autoEnable = false in both NixOS and Home Manager modules.

Now, after updating, Stylix deleted some packages:


After that my cursor changed to default.

This is my Home Manager module ```nix { pkgs, ... }: { stylix = { polarity = "dark"; base16Scheme = { base00 = "282828"; base01 = "1d2021"; base02 = "504945"; base03 = "665c54"; base04 = "bdae93"; base05 = "d5c4a1"; base06 = "ebdbb2"; base07 = "fbf1c7"; base08 = "fb4934"; base09 = "fe8019"; base0A = "458588"; base0B = "b8bb26"; base0C = "8ec07c"; base0D = "83a598"; base0E = "d3869b"; base0F = "d65d0e"; }; targets.gtk.enable = true; cursor = { package = pkgs.bibata-cursors; name = "Bibata-Original-Classic"; size = 24; }; fonts = { sizes = { applications = 12; terminal = 12; desktop = 12; popups = 12; }; }; }; gtk = { enable = true; iconTheme = { name = "Mint-Y-Sand"; package = pkgs.cinnamon.mint-y-icons; }; }; } ```
This is my NixOS module ```nix { pkgs, ...}: { stylix = { autoEnable = false; image = ../../home-modules/./hyprland/hyprlock/blue.png; }; } ```

Can you say what has changed and what I should do?

trueNAHO commented 2 weeks ago

You probably need to add stylix.enable = true;: https://github.com/danth/stylix/commit/7682713f6af1d32a33f8c4e3d3d141af5ad1761a.

ArtemChandragupta commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, this is the answer. Thanks!