Open i-am-logger opened 2 months ago
not is specifically for ls
? AFAIK, ls
can take the terminal colors, which Stylix should already apply in (nearly?) all cases.
some utillities like lsd rely on LS_COLORS
I've implemented it this way which works
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg =;
# This function generates LS_COLORS based on Stylix colors
generateLsColors = colors: ''
di=${colors.base0D} # directory
fi=${colors.base05} # file
ln=${colors.base0C} # symlink
ex=${colors.base0A} # executable
bd=${colors.base0E} # block device
cd=${colors.base0E} # character device
so=${colors.base0E} # socket
pi=${colors.base0E} # pipe
or=${colors.base08} # orphan symlink
mi=${colors.base08} # missing file
su=${colors.base0B} # setuid
sg=${colors.base0B} # setgid
tw=${colors.base0A} # sticky other writable
ow=${colors.base0A} # other writable
st=${colors.base0E} # sticky
{ = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Stylix-based LS_COLORS";
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
environment.sessionVariables = {
LS_COLORS = generateLsColors config.lib.stylix.colors;
environment.extraInit = ''
export LS_COLORS="${generateLsColors config.lib.stylix.colors}"
programs.bash.interactiveShellInit = ''
export LS_COLORS="${generateLsColors config.lib.stylix.colors}"
programs.zsh.interactiveShellInit = mkIf config.programs.zsh.enable ''
export LS_COLORS="${generateLsColors config.lib.stylix.colors}"
''; = mkIf ''
set -gx LS_COLORS "${generateLsColors config.lib.stylix.colors}"
sorry, that script was old version
... }:
with lib;
cfg =;
hexDigitToInt = c:
hexChars = "0123456789abcdef";
stringLength (head (splitString c (toLower hexChars)));
hexToRgb = hexColor:
r = substring 0 2 hexColor;
g = substring 2 2 hexColor;
b = substring 4 2 hexColor;
toDecimal = hex: hexDigitToInt (substring 0 1 hex) * 16 + hexDigitToInt (substring 1 1 hex);
"${toString (toDecimal r)};${toString (toDecimal g)};${toString (toDecimal b)}";
generateLsColors = colors:
mkColor = color: "38;2;${hexToRgb color}";
colorMap = {
# Special files and directories
di = mkColor colors.base0D; # directory
fi = mkColor colors.base05; # regular file
ln = mkColor colors.base0C; # symbolic link
ex = mkColor colors.base0A; # executable file
bd = mkColor colors.base0E; # block device
cd = mkColor colors.base0E; # character device
so = mkColor colors.base0E; # socket
pi = mkColor colors.base0E; # named pipe (FIFO)
or = mkColor colors.base08; # orphaned symlink
mi = mkColor colors.base08; # missing file
su = mkColor colors.base0B; # file that is setuid (u+s)
sg = mkColor colors.base0B; # file that is setgid (g+s)
ca = mkColor colors.base0B; # file with capability
tw = mkColor colors.base0A; # directory that is sticky and other-writable (+t,o+w)
ow = mkColor colors.base0A; # directory that is other-writable (o+w) and not sticky
st = mkColor colors.base0E; # directory with sticky bit set (+t) and not other-writable
ee = mkColor colors.base05; # empty file (arrow for classifyAlt)
no = mkColor colors.base05; # normal non-filename text
rs = mkColor colors.base05; # reset to no color
mh = mkColor colors.base05; # multi-hardlink
lc = mkColor colors.base05; # left code (opening part of color sequence)
rc = mkColor colors.base05; # right code (closing part of color sequence)
ec = mkColor colors.base05; # end code (for non-filename text)
# File extensions
"*.bash" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.bz2" = mkColor colors.base08;
"*.c" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.cfg" = mkColor colors.base05;
"*.class" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.conf" = mkColor colors.base05;
"*.cpp" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.cs" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.css" = mkColor colors.base09;
"*.deb" = mkColor colors.base08;
"*.doc" = mkColor colors.base08;
"*.docx" = mkColor colors.base08;
"*.flac" = mkColor colors.base0C;
"*.gif" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.go" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.gz" = mkColor colors.base08;
"*.h" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.html" = mkColor colors.base09;
"*.ini" = mkColor colors.base05;
"*.java" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.jpeg" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.jpg" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.js" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.json" = mkColor colors.base05;
"*.less" = mkColor colors.base09;
"*.lua" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.md" = mkColor colors.base05;
"*.mp3" = mkColor colors.base0C;
"*.mp4" = mkColor colors.base0C;
"*.nix" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.odt" = mkColor colors.base08;
"*.ogg" = mkColor colors.base0C;
"*.pdf" = mkColor colors.base08;
"*.png" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.py" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.rb" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.rpm" = mkColor colors.base08;
"*.rs" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.scss" = mkColor colors.base09;
"*.sh" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.sql" = mkColor colors.base09;
"*.svg" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.tar" = mkColor colors.base08;
"*.tgz" = mkColor colors.base08;
"*.ts" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.txt" = mkColor colors.base05;
"*.vim" = mkColor colors.base0D;
"*.wav" = mkColor colors.base0C;
"*.xml" = mkColor colors.base05;
"*.yaml" = mkColor colors.base05;
"*.yml" = mkColor colors.base05;
"*.zip" = mkColor colors.base08;
"*.zsh" = mkColor colors.base0D;
concatStringsSep ":" (mapAttrsToList (k: v: "${k}=${v}") colorMap);
{ = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Stylix-based LS_COLORS";
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
environment.sessionVariables = {
LS_COLORS = generateLsColors config.lib.stylix.colors;
environment.extraInit = ''
export LS_COLORS="${generateLsColors config.lib.stylix.colors}"
programs.bash.interactiveShellInit = ''
export LS_COLORS="${generateLsColors config.lib.stylix.colors}"
programs.zsh.interactiveShellInit = mkIf config.programs.zsh.enable ''
export LS_COLORS="${generateLsColors config.lib.stylix.colors}"
''; = mkIf ''
set -gx LS_COLORS "${generateLsColors config.lib.stylix.colors}"
Please could you submit this as a pull request so that we can more easily review the changes?
For nushell add:
programs.nushell.environmentVariables = {
LS_COLORS = ''${generateLsColors config.lib.stylix.colors}'';
One can also use vivid for this. I am currently always setting my LS_COLORS
with $(vivid generate <theme>)
. The command will be evaluated on shell startup and the LS_COLORS is set. Stylix just needs to create the config for vivid and make sure it is installed in home-manager. I already created a base16 repo for vivid, so feel free to make changes and/or PRs :D
Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to have it home-manager as an option with appropriate options, so stylix doesn't have to do the heavy lifting here. EDIT I created a PR for this:
One can also use vivid for this. I am currently always setting my
with$(vivid generate <theme>)
Great suggestion! Using this tool would delegate some of Stylix's responsibilities.
The command will be evaluated on shell startup and the LS_COLORS is set. Stylix just needs to create the config for vivid and make sure it is installed in home-manager.
To improve runtime performance, the vivid generate <theme>
output could be injected at Nix build time.
I already created a base16 repo for vivid, so feel free to make changes and/or PRs :D
Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to have it home-manager as an option with appropriate options, so stylix doesn't have to do the heavy lifting here. EDIT I created a PR for this: nix-community/home-manager#6045
Let's wait for this PR to get merged.
to generate something like this