dantman / elite-vr-cockpit

A SteamVR Overlay providing a virtual throttle and joystick and holographic buttons for ship functions, with custom integration into Elite Dangerous
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WMR stick works, but galaxy map navigation is still lacking #183

Open bigjonyz opened 4 years ago

bigjonyz commented 4 years ago

Hi, first of all I have to say this is great work, ,so immersive for playing ED in vr. I am a new player and just got almost everything working. I have been using WMR andf used the following bindings in STEAMVR to get the joy stick to work in menu, cockpit and map modes. EDVRC-WMR-stick-menu EDVRC-WMR-stick-cockpit I have also used the vJoy monitor to figure out the right hand trigger and menu buttons are bound to Joy 1 and 2, left hand trigger is Joy 8, left hand menu button is Joy 7. Joy 4 seems to be trackpad center press, but I don't know Joy5 or 6 what they are. Also these buttons only work when grabbing the virtual joystick and throttle. EDVRC-WMR-buttons POV1 and POV2 works as intended, but I see POV 3 and 4 are also available but no action is bound to them. Is it possible to limit POV 1 and 2 to right hand cotroller only and use POV 3 and 4 for left hand controller? Also I can bind thrusters axis using the ingame overlay menu, but they don't seem to have any effect in game. Maybe I am doing something wrong here but I thought it would be great to bind thruster control to left ahnd trackpad or joystick.

Using the overlay menu I try to bind action to left or right hand trigger, I press the Primary virtual button on the overlay but no action is registered.

On galaxy map, I can use the stick to move aroud the map and used the virtual controls zoom in and out, but I cannot select star system or plot route, is there a specific binding I need to use?

Thanks for the great work. Keep on flying!

bigjonyz commented 4 years ago

I have solved it! Now the galaxy map functions perfectly. Turns out the map naviagrtion binding takes precedence over UI navigation binding, so UI left was bound to A, map translation left was bound to A as well, so when I use the joystick only moves the map cursor and you cannot operate the UI at all. So I changed the map navigation XY translation to arrow keys and turning and zoom to some other keys, now I can operate the UI comepletely. Also I can now use the menu on mode to move around in the XY plane with the joystick, switch back to menu off mode and operate the UI. I also reboud the Q, E, R, F, Z and C keys to somewhere, as they are used in in UI naviagtion for next pannel and such in my binding, you can get away with not remapping so many keys probably. Now all I have to figure out is how to use VoiceMacro to input system names in the search field then it would be perfect. Anyone got ideas? VoiceMacro really makes you feel you are in command of a spaceship, speak the command and the ship responds!

Also I bound my left hand throttle trigger to boost speed and menu button to flight assist toggle, which means holding the buttong down turns off flight assist and releasing turns it back on, making dogfights more challenging and interesting. Now all I have to figure out is how to get the lateral thrusters working.