dantman / elite-vr-cockpit

A SteamVR Overlay providing a virtual throttle and joystick and holographic buttons for ship functions, with custom integration into Elite Dangerous
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Edit mode and galaxy map lag and sloooww fps #216

Open filipemonkey opened 3 years ago

filipemonkey commented 3 years ago

hi advice request... i am often getting crazy lag when in edit mode with the holo buttons panel unlocked. the same thing happens 90% of the time in galaxy maps. at worst it can appear stuck for a number of seconds. i read through past issues and see this is a multi camera overlay thing. this issue was closed as i understand by reducing the texture of overlay. i presume this is included in version 0.8 of the VRcockpit!? i run a 1060 gaming laptop but get the lag in the above modes often.

can you advise if there is something i can do to help (other than upgrade my PC), particularly the galaxy map lag, makes it hard to play at times as can take me 10mins just to set a route up.

is it purely a computer performance issue?

cheers & keep up the great work, love it.

dantman commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry. When you're running EVRC and ED, you're basically running 2 games on your computer at the same time. I have tried to optimize things to keep that performance hit low, but you're ultimately still running 2 games both asking your GPU to render stuff.

I don't really have the hardware needed to test low-spec machines. I have a GTX 1080 myself, and even I get light but continual reprojection with the mid-tier settings I use in ED. A GTX 1060 was pretty much the absolute min-spec to run VR so you've got no headroom available for EVRC.

The render texture size reduction is already in the latest release (that was a long time ago). Lots of the overlays (namely most buttons) use static images as textures instead of camera rendering. Many of the panels that do use camera based rendering like the meta panel with the edit/menu mode buttons are rendered on-demand (they only render when a visual change happens). And the live panels (the ones I can't make render only on-demand, like the edit panel and 6DOF controller) only render at 10fps.

I do have some ideas of stuff I could do that may or may not reduce the performance impact of EVRC.

But like I said I can't actually test wether any of those has any effect on performance.

If you are interested in playing around with some Unity development there are things you can do to see if there are any changes I can make to improve performance.

filipemonkey commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for the very detailed response. Firstly, no need to apologise, please understand that my post was just a request for advice and wasn’t in any remote way an accusation that your application was reducing my enjoyment of the game, opposite in fact. I figured the issues I have is because of my lower spec set up, and just hoped there was a easy way round this.

I would love to help by playing around, but I am far from being a coder. I will have a go though so will get my head round your advice and will see what I can do. If I get anywhere with settings that help with my lag I will post back here in case it helps you or others. Hopefully I am successful before I convince myself to get an upgrade ;-)

Cheers again