dantman / elite-vr-cockpit

A SteamVR Overlay providing a virtual throttle and joystick and holographic buttons for ship functions, with custom integration into Elite Dangerous
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question to index users regarding mapping controllers in steamVR #225

Open mikluhomaklay opened 3 years ago

mikluhomaklay commented 3 years ago

Hi, i have problems with configuring index controllers properly. It seems like the bindings are messed up. Maybe someone who has successfully configured them can help me with that? Im new to the game bare with me.

I can control the ship, the main controls seem to be working. Primary and secondary buttons seems to be ok too. But besides that pretty much nothing works. in VR cockpit when i use buttons, thumbsticks or touchpad on the controller i see warnings saying something like that: "Could not send keypress Key_Acute, did not understand one or more of the keys" here is my log file

I was doing the tutorial mission and got stuck where you have to switch to communication tab on the left mfd before landing at space station actually.

I have noticed that steamvr is using default legacy binding, i have assumed that would be the issue and that i maybe needed to remap that. But for some reason i cannot change anything with the bindings when running ED. SteamVR is going nuts (only when ED is running, works with other games). If i change to another profile, it forgets it as i leave the menu and is continuing using legacy defaults. When i go to test its just printing that its searching something forever and doesn't let me get into the test view. Something seriously messed up there. Anyone else had this issue or knows how to set up the bindings for index controllers properly?

dantman commented 3 years ago

"Could not send keypress Key_Acute, did not understand one or more of the keys"

That sounds like you have Key_Acute bound to something in your custom bindings file and I don't have a keyboard key mapping for that key. Could you share your custom bindings file? And if you're willing check which binding in the file has Key_Acute and what key on your keyboard is bound to it in ED's controls.

I have noticed that steamvr is using default legacy binding

Those are the bindings for Elite Dangerous. EVRC has separate SteamVR Input entry. Right now, because it's not published on Steam, you cannot access EVRC from the applications/games list in SteamVR Input. Instead you need to use the button on the desktop view or the "Edit" button next to the "Show Bindings" button on the edit panel that shows up when you enable edit+menu mode together.

mikluhomaklay commented 3 years ago

Instead you need to use the button on the desktop view or the "Edit" button next to the "Show Bindings" button on the edit panel that shows up when you enable edit+menu mode together.

ah that actually makes sense, thank you. This is clear now. There are no more warnings it seems.

Custom.3.0.zip I didn't changed much there though was using the games default key bindings, just assigned the axis as described in "getting started".

However im still confused about few things.

  1. When i am on galactic map view everything is working but i cannot use any of the 4 buttons in the selection panel after selecting a system. In example plot course or show system view. Do I have to assign certain buttons for that manually? In map view i also cannot use UI navigation holo buttons.

  2. In cockpit, when looking on left or right hand displays i can only navigate through them using the holo UI navigation buttons, not with the thumbstick and not with the touchpad as i assumed. Am i missing something there or is it supposed like that?

  3. I cannot use boost. Ive checked it has TAB key assigned by default. However none of the buttons on the controllers activate the boost. Do i have to reassign it in order to have it on one of the controller buttons?

dantman commented 3 years ago


It looks like you have Key_Acute bound to the orbit lines and UIToggle bindings. What keyboard key is assigned to those bindings? I also see you're using a de-DE keyboard layout. I don't know that much about how ED handles bindings for other keyboard layouts.

1. When i am on galactic map view everything is working but i cannot use any of the 4 buttons in the selection panel after selecting a system. In example plot course or show system view. Do I have to assign certain buttons for that manually? In map view i also cannot use UI navigation holo buttons.

That's strange. You seem to have UI_* keyboard bindings so the joystick/trackpad should be able to navigate the UI and let you select the buttons.

2. In cockpit, when looking on left or right hand displays i can only navigate through them using the holo UI navigation buttons, not with the thumbstick and not with the touchpad as i assumed. Am i missing something there or is it supposed like that?

There aren't any built-in controls for the side panels (the holo buttons were a debug thing I added but wish I could remove). Right now the intent is for you to bind POV buttons on the joystick, life you would a HOTAS, to control the panels. Which you seem to have done.

3. I cannot use boost. Ive checked it has TAB key assigned by default. However none of the buttons on the controllers activate the boost. Do i have to reassign it in order to have it on one of the controller buttons?

There's no pre-defined bindings inside the cockpit, aside from the holo buttons. So the intent is you'd bind whatever button/POV on the joystick/throttle you want to bind to boost. Personally for my Index I use Alt (B) on the throttle.

mikluhomaklay commented 3 years ago

hello dantman,

That's strange. You seem to have UI_* keyboard bindings so the joystick/trackpad should be able to navigate the UI and let you select the buttons.

this works actually but only when i grab the flightstick with right hand controller. Same with A/B buttons. When i let it loose trackpad and buttons do not work. Now in map mode there is no flightstick, so i assume that is the reason why i cannot them in map mode too. But there i also have no holo buttons, so basically it leaves me with having to use the mouse in map view, which is really unconfortable with index controllers as they are being stripped on.

There aren't any built-in controls for the side panels (the holo buttons were a debug thing I added but wish I could remove). Right now the intent is for you to bind POV buttons on the joystick, life you would a HOTAS, to control the panels. Which you seem to have done.

i have figured out now that when holding the flight stick with right hand, trackpad works for navigation in side panels. Also the A and B button works for switching tabs. But only when i hold the flightstick. Same issue as above. This is not a big deal for me as i got used to it already. But in map view i just can't hold the flightstick.

Personally for my Index I use Alt (B) on the throttle.

this is interesting, and leads me to my next question. I couldn't use anything on the left hand controller. I can only use it to move the throttle, but no any buttons, nor the trackpad, nor the thumbstick are doing anything by default. I also cannot assign anything in games controls bindings to them. Also when using the "unlock" option and using the VC ui i can't figure out yet how to bind something to left hand controller. There are just those two POV1 and POV2 controlls, where one is binding the right hand thumbstick and the other the right hand trackpad. Do i have to activate ALT in order to assign B button on left hand controller?

mikluhomaklay commented 3 years ago


FSS is pretty much broken too. I have assigned the 3 axis for camera and tuning, however nothing else is working. I cannot even leave the FSS view without puting the headset off and using the keyboard. Ive tried assigning any of the buttons on the controller in games key bindings but none of them are accepted for FSS view. And also here no holo buttons.

With index controllers it appears to be totaly weird.

dantman commented 3 years ago

I cannot even leave the FSS view without puting the headset off and using the keyboard.

Menu mode is off. B does not exit? The desktop view doesn't display any errors about missing bindings?