danvd / wlroots-eglstreams

A modular Wayland compositor library with EGLStreams support
MIT License
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Since nvidia driver 495 includes GBM support, will this fork no longer be needed? #33

Open Tank-Missile opened 2 years ago

Tank-Missile commented 2 years ago


PolyMeilex commented 2 years ago

If said support will be more stable than this fork then probably yes, but knowing Nvidia it will be some time until that happens (I could be wrong and maybe even current beta is super stable, but I doubt it)

EDIT: Also a quote from another issue seems to confirm my conserns: Sway still doesn't work as well on GBM compared to this fork, though.

Also I'm not sure if the nvidia support is code changes free, I have not played with beta driver yet, so that could be another reason for a fork

sheepymeh commented 2 years ago

I'd say that there are still a lot of issues before GBM works properly with Sway. (See here). Personally NVDEC also started dropping lots of frames for me. Hopefully many of these issues will be fixed by the stable release.

Additionally this fork would be very helpful for users of Maxwell GPUs that won't be getting the 495 update.

danvd commented 2 years ago

@sheepymeh could you please provide the source of Maxwell vs 495? I've got 970 GTX (maxwell) and it's still working with 495 beta and release page lists it in supported cards

sheepymeh commented 2 years ago

My bad, it was Kepler losing support in 495.

LuigiPiucco commented 2 years ago

Personally, I doubt this fork will be unneeded any time soon. The sway devs won't implement any form of support unless nvidia fully open-sources their driver, which seems very unlikely. And "out of the box" in the readme is somewhat misleading: It enables sway to run, provided you pass --my-next-gpu-wont-be-nvidia, but sway still won't use the nvidia card without heavy tinkering, or at all, depending on your hardware.

I think the GBM implementation they rolled out is not in vain, though. Maybe this fork could be simplified/extended if wired to use it?

git-bruh commented 2 years ago

Sway with gbm works OK for me, not too good but fairly usable:

zoeleu commented 2 years ago

When the GBM support gets stable, yes. Until then, stuck on EGLStreams or X11.

pm4rcin commented 2 years ago

I'll test todays driver when it arrives to arch repos. It's on aur now. If anyone has tested please provide feedback here with compositor etc. and what doesn't work.

git-bruh commented 2 years ago

I seem to have the exact same issues described here: https://github.com/danvd/wlroots-eglstreams/issues/33#issuecomment-950126734

Dunno what they even changed in the stable driver lol

pm4rcin commented 2 years ago

@git-bruh did you today used standard wlroots or that fork?

git-bruh commented 2 years ago

@pm4rcin wlroots 0.41.1

pm4rcin commented 2 years ago

@git-bruh did you use it with newest version of XWayland because it turns out that starting today it should work I guess XWayland-21.1.3-Released. But I don't know. I'll test tomorrow how it works on AMD + Nvidia laptop.

danvd commented 2 years ago

Hi guys. I also tried vanilla wlroots with latest nvidia driver. Looks like it's not usable now: flickering, chrome does not start with wayland backend. I did not tested it further though - these 2 issues make it a showstopper for me.

Tank-Missile commented 2 years ago

Now that mostly everything needed to get GBM into a usable state has been merged upstream, it's time for a progress report. As of this comment, I have the following packages installed:

KDE Plasma on wayland is far from completely useable, but it's miles better than it was a year ago. With regular kwin, xwayland apps either stutter, have graphical glitches, or render completely black. The last case occurs with steam games and electron apps such as discord. Wayfire with an assortment of packages to make it a full desktop environment is a bit iffy to use, but I gave it a whirl to see if I would encounter the same issues. Steam games still render black and discord refuses to open.

Tank-Missile commented 2 years ago

As a note for KDE users, the EGLStreams backend has been removed from kwin master and will not be available in 5.24.

kodatarule commented 2 years ago

Managed to try it out with the patch for qt5-wayland under plasma 5.23.4, with GBM it is actually quite useable for me, it has some apps like discord or reaper(DAW) or spotify that just have like rendering flickering, but other than that the entire desktop is smooth and runs extremely well, surprisingly. I hope that those issues can be resolved fairly quickly so that GBM with Nvidia on wayland would work flawlessly.

hansihe commented 2 years ago

510.47 seems to have been released a few days ago with GBM support. I haven't tested it yet, but hopefully it fixes some of the remaining issues.

danvd commented 2 years ago

Just checked it. Nothing has changed: 1) Flickering: YES 2) No cursor: YES 3) Freezes of alacritty: YES :-(

mijoharas commented 1 year ago

a long time later, still unuseable. Same issues that you mentioned @danvd . (worth noting, the no cursor can be worked around with WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS=1, but the rest of it is still a showstopper anyways).

zoeleu commented 1 year ago

Off-topic, but I purchased an RX 6600. GTFO of Nvidia if you use Linux.

lucilanga commented 1 year ago

And please do mention how sweet and buttery the new experience is! I made exactly the same move.

PolyMeilex commented 1 year ago

(sorry for the off-topic) Yep, did the same, all problems are magically gone, even X11 works miles better, no matter the WM, no matter the DE, no matter the display server, and as a bonus suspend which I used to think is just broken on Linux (as it always was barely working on all of my machines) is now working perfectly as well.

Kinda funny to realize that I've been using Linux for years, not realizing how subpar experience I had, sometimes even thinking that it's just Linux being Linux, while it was just Nvidia being Nvidia.

zoeleu commented 1 year ago

Off-topic again, but even on a Haswell, entry level, laptop Intel CPU, the experience with Wayland is THAT much better than Nvidia. Linux is, forgive the word, shit for many people because of Nvidia's lack of cooperation with Linux developers and lack of open source drivers.

Pixelsuft commented 1 year ago

Don't forget about legacy nvidia cards