danvega / rest-client-examples

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Link for more detailed Overview on JDK HTTP clients #1

Open aDramaQueen opened 8 months ago

aDramaQueen commented 8 months ago


since Youtube doesn't allow links in comments I have to do it this way...

There exists a nice Overview for all possible Properties you may use to control a JDK HTTP client via properties: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/21/docs/api/java.net.http/module-summary.html

Maybe you can add this to your video description, for other people to play around with.

KafkaProServerless commented 8 months ago


danvega commented 8 months ago

Love that idea, thank you @aDramaQueen

The one I should have mentioned right away is for logging. I like to set the following property so I can see the request / response in development


caobaoqi1029 commented 2 weeks ago

thank you