danwent / Perspectives

Perspectives Firefox Extension
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Improve front page documentation #106

Open daveschaefer opened 10 years ago

daveschaefer commented 10 years ago

Let's copyedit the explanation of how the CA model works and how Perspectives is different, so it's easy for non-technical people to understand. Some diagrams would go a long way towards helping explain this. Perhaps we can use something like http://www.gliffy.com/ and create a Creative Commons diagram? That would be useful for the internal help docs too.

ghost commented 10 years ago

For now we could just take the diagrams from the presentations.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Public-Key-Infrastructure, Man-In-The-Middle-Attacks and Perspectives protection explained in three sketches: 1 situation 2 problem 3 perspectives

ghost commented 10 years ago

1. Situation

2. Problem

3. Perspectives

Update 2014-10-31: I tested this with some technical and non-technical people and all-in-all they said it should be split into more diagrams explaining each step. I also made a mistake when drawing these diagrams. The browsers doesn't actually connect and request from an authority, instead the signature of the received certificate is checked against the local public keys.

daveschaefer commented 9 years ago

Thanks for running some user tests Gerold, that is fantastic :)

We should also put all of the text from the perspectives-project.org site into a github repo so we can have revision history on it. That makes sure it is backed up as well.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Some more explanations on mailing list - notaries API specification and the talk on Convergence.

daveschaefer commented 9 years ago

@lambdor Yes, thanks for your summaries in that thread Gerold, that is fantastic.