danwrisar / KMSIMG_NHS_EmissionsRecipeBook

A collaboration-based approach to calculating emissions associated with the NHS Carbon Footprint and NHS Carbon Footprint Plus scopes.
8 stars 4 forks source link

Updates to (04 NHS Fleet) and (07 Business Travel) #15

Open andrewsmith16 opened 1 month ago

andrewsmith16 commented 1 month ago

Spotted that the kgCO2 conversion factor was used (2.19585) instead of the kgCO2e one (2.20904)

andrewsmith16 commented 1 month ago

Snapshot of the 2019 Conversion Factors for Fuels attached for your convenience image

andrewsmith16 commented 1 month ago

For my second "commit", I've added about the "real-world" uplift used to get a more realistic CO2 output.

I also use another calculation method where if I don't have the gCO2 figure for a vehicle, I use the 'Cars (by size)' table and from the engine type and size, use the appropriate conversion factor in the 'miles' row. Wasn't sure how to insert this calculation method into the webpage. Another Optimal Calculation? It's not quite as accurate though.

I've just completed an exercise at work where I took Expenses data which had captured all the individual journeys and mileages and did both types of calculations, depending whether or not I had the gCO2/km figure available. image