danx0r / kata3d

3D web client based on webGL
14 stars 4 forks source link

Firefox problems #6

Open danx0r opened 14 years ago

danx0r commented 14 years ago

on my ubuntu 9.04 64-bit, firefox does not work at all, even on old builds.

On my other machine (8.04 32-bit) firefox works until I load a jpg texture from another domain (like my headshot). That generates a security error, and the message "readPixels: Not allowed" This behavior confirmed by patH

danx0r commented 14 years ago

9.04 64bit works OK from http server, until jpg texture from another domain is accessed. Only diff with my other version is on this machine I can't run demo from file:///

danx0r commented 14 years ago

worth noting that on this troublesome machine, older versions of the picking demo work OK from file:/// but recent versions do not

danx0r commented 14 years ago

issue #11 duplicate