danzel / Leaflet.utfgrid

A UTFGrid implementation for leaflet that is super small.
MIT License
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Add metadata request #7

Open frodrigo opened 11 years ago

frodrigo commented 11 years ago

Please, add support for metadata request on onAdd or on request. Meta data can contain usefull data. Meta are requested by send a request only with callback, without tile request.

danzel commented 11 years ago

Um, can you give me some details on what this is? Thanks!

frodrigo commented 11 years ago

It's this part of spec https://github.com/mapbox/utfgrid-spec/blob/master/1.2/interaction.md

e.g. http://api.tiles.mapbox.com/v3/mapbox.geography-class.jsonp?callback=grid http://map.carte-libre.fr/arbres2/mbtiles-server.php?db=bordeaux-arbres.mbtiles&callback=grid

tmcw commented 11 years ago

So ideally this includes mustache for templating, and htmlsanitize. @danzel do you have time to work on this?

danzel commented 11 years ago

Not at the moment, if you want to give it a crack that would be much appreciated :-)

frodrigo commented 11 years ago

First step can be done without mustache, just by fetch meta json and expose it.

ddelemeny commented 10 years ago

Hello there, may I hop in ?

I don't know if anybody is currently working on this issue, I've seen what's been done on the fork in mapbox.js and I don't really like the idea of TileJSON being part of and exposed by the UtfGrid layer.

To me, the TileJSON spec is way too opinionated on how tileset metadata should be expressed and rather limitating/confusing, I'd rather see it handled by a Layer/LayerGroup factory than being the default way to create a bare UtfGrid layer.

tmcw commented 10 years ago

@ddelemeny if you have any ideas about improving the TileJSON spec, they are welcome in its open repository.