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Exploration of Economic Models #38

Open LundqvistCoder opened 1 year ago

LundqvistCoder commented 1 year ago

For the economic research of the project launch, everyone hopes that the project will start the economic model in that way during the pre-planning.

  1. Crowdfunding pledge to create a liquidity pool
  2. ICO
  3. Institutional Financing
  4. Airdrop Rewards
  5. Centralized registration and pre-release
ethandavisRun commented 1 year ago

Can you elaborate? on the differences between different mechanisms? I am interested in this project, and I also have this demand. I think it will have a bright future.

LundqvistCoder commented 1 year ago
  1. Crowdfunding pledge to create a liquidity pool: This refers to a fundraising method where a group of investors pool their resources together to create a liquidity pool. The pool is then used to support the trading of a specific cryptocurrency. Investors pledge to contribute a certain amount of funds, and in return, they receive tokens that represent their share in the liquidity pool. The tokens can be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges, and the value of the token is determined by the performance of the liquidity pool.

  2. ICO (Initial Coin Offering): This is a method of fundraising in which a company or organization creates a new cryptocurrency and sells a portion of it to the public. Investors purchase the new cryptocurrency using established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, or sometimes even fiat currency. The funds raised through an ICO are typically used to finance the development of a new blockchain-based project, such as a decentralized application (dApp).

  3. Institutional Financing: This refers to traditional investment methods such as venture capital, private equity, or debt financing, but directed toward blockchain-based projects. Institutional investors may provide capital to blockchain companies or projects in exchange for an equity stake, a share of future profits, or interest on a loan.

  4. Airdrop Rewards: This refers to a marketing tactic where a blockchain project or company distributes free tokens or coins to a targeted audience, such as existing token holders or members of a specific community. The goal is to create interest and engagement around the project or company, which may drive up demand for the tokens or coins over time.

  5. Centralized registration and pre-release: This is a method used by some blockchain projects to restrict access to their tokens or coins before they are publicly available for trading. The project may require interested investors to register their interest and provide identifying information in advance. The project may then selectively distribute the tokens or coins to registered investors before making them available to the wider public. This method is often used to control the initial distribution of the tokens or coins and to prevent price manipulation by early adopters.

The above is the explanation generated by ChatGpt. You can query Google in detail. I prefer the first option, because if the project runs, it needs a certain amount of liquidity.

emmajensen1997 commented 1 year ago

Mortgage crowdfunding is a relatively safe method, but I hope to have more detailed planning. In addition, the economic model has not yet seen a detailed plan. Will the project have a white paper? I want to understand how private communication is integrated with money economy.

OliviaSmith100 commented 1 year ago

I found out about this project through social media, and it seems to be in public beta now, whether crowdfunding will also start