daohoangson / flutter_widget_from_html

Flutter package to render html as widgets that supports hyperlink, image, audio, video, iframe and many other tags.
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Support for white-space: pre-wrap #1243

Open layandreas opened 3 weeks ago

layandreas commented 3 weeks ago

Use case

Thanks for putting your effort into this package, I really like it so far! I have one issue so far:

pre-wrapping lines via "white-space: pre-wrap" currently does not work. I want to use it for pre-wrapping lines in a preformatted code section:

<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;"><code>  #!&#x2F;bin&#x2F;bash

  # Add this script to cron to run at whatever duration you desire.

  # URL to be checked

  # Email for alerts

  # Perform the HTTP request and extract the status code with 10 second timeout.
  STATUS=$(curl -o &#x2F;dev&#x2F;null -s -w &quot;%{http_code}\n&quot; --max-time 10 $URL)

  # Check if the status code is not 200
  if [ &quot;$STATUS&quot; -ne 200 ]; then
      # Send email alert
      echo &quot;The URL $URL did not return a 200 status code. Status was $STATUS.&quot; | mail -s &quot;URL Check Alert&quot; $EMAIL

      # Instead of email, you could send a Slack&#x2F;Teams&#x2F;PagerDuty&#x2F;Pushover&#x2F;etc, etc alert, with something like:
      curl -X POST https:&#x2F;&#x2F;events.pagerduty.com&#x2F;...


Support for white-space: pre-wrap.

daohoangson commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for the feature request. This is working as expected, only pre/normal/nowrap are supported for now.