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Dapp submission process not working #23

Open jakubgs opened 1 year ago

jakubgs commented 1 year ago

It was reported by a user two days ago that the submission process doesn't work:


I initially suspected an issue with emails since I upgraded Node in our lambda function in https://github.com/dap-ps/infra-dapps/commit/2613f371 but I've tested sending emails and it did work fine: https://groups.google.com/a/status.im/g/dapps-approvals


While working on this I upgraded the Elastic Beanstalk environment to Amazon Linux 2 in: https://github.com/dap-ps/infra-dapps/issues/22#issuecomment-1278745954

jakubgs commented 1 year ago

While working on that I also identified an issue with IPFS gateway:


Because Infura made the gateway require auth: https://docs.infura.io/infura/networks/ipfs/http-api-methods/version

So I just switched the URL to be https://ipfs.status.im/: https://github.com/dap-ps/discover/commit/c959f7f4

jakubgs commented 1 year ago

Some changes I made to the previously deployed production app ZIP:

But the issue with submission popup not showing up still persists.

jakubgs commented 1 year ago

Since I can't fix the issue I've temporarily disabled the submission button by editing the JS bundle:
