dapetcu21 / atom-autocomplete-lua

Extensible autocomplete+ provider for Lua
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Add descriptionMarkdown #12

Closed THE-FYP closed 7 years ago

THE-FYP commented 7 years ago

adds property descriptionMarkdown from autocomplete-plus to provide the ability to use GitHub Markdown for more extensive descriptions. this feature was implemented not so long ago and it is still not even been described in the documentation, but is included in the latest releases and works well.

this option doesn't replace already existing description property so it won't cause any conflicts, but if descriptionMarkdown is set it will override the normal description.

dapetcu21 commented 7 years ago

Oh! Neat! I was actually looking forward to this. I'll actually go with using description directly instead, since Markdown is pretty much "syntax-compatible" with plain text and it's very unlikely for it to break anything.

I won't merge this PR, though, because, right now, I'm in the middle of a refactor (see the opaque-types branch) and it's easier to just do the trivial changes directly on that branch.

I'll probably also have to re-crawl the Lua docs to add back the formatting tags that I removed. (I'll take care not to clobber your LuaJIT definitions :smile:)

THE-FYP commented 7 years ago

almost a month passed without any changes... i don't like to disturb you, but i can't wait anymore because my package is depends on autocomplete-lua and these two features (description markdown and luajit support). can i ask you just to add this feature to the master branch and update the release? otherwise i will have to do fork as a separate package, which i do not like at all.

dapetcu21 commented 7 years ago

Hi, sorry. I started work on the refactor with the idea that I'd integrate this directly into the refactor, but then my schedule completely fucked me up and I couldn't pay attention to this project. Sure, I'll add this to the master branch and release. I'll do this tomorrow.

THE-FYP commented 7 years ago

you forgot?

dapetcu21 commented 7 years ago

Nope. Just didn't get to do it on Wednesday and yesterday was too tired after work. I'd do it from work, but I don't have my personal computer with me. I'll do it tonight.

THE-FYP commented 7 years ago

ok. i can understand you.

dapetcu21 commented 7 years ago

Done! :D description and descriptionPlain

THE-FYP commented 7 years ago

finally! thank you!