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Broadcasting for ewBinary codegen #920

Open AlexRTer opened 3 days ago

AlexRTer commented 3 days ago

This PR changes the existing ewBinaryOp codegen to broadcast rhs if possible. So far, the ewBinary codegen only accepted scalars, matrices of equal shape or combinations of lhs being a matrix and rhs being either a scalar or singleton. Now rhs can also be given as a matching (equal to lhs in one dimension and size 1 in the other) row or column vector.

An example script (--explain mlir_codegen is optional to show the generated IR):

// RUN: ./bin/daphne --select-matrix-repr --mlir-codegen --explain mlir_codegen ./fileName.daphne

lhsMat = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6](2,);

rhsMat = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60](2,);
rhsRowMat = [10, 20, 30](1,);
rhsColMat = [10, 20](,1);
rhsScalar = 10;
rhsSingleton = [10];

print(lhsMat + rhsMat);
print(lhsMat + rhsRowMat);
print(lhsMat + rhsColMat);
print(lhsMat + rhsScalar);
print(lhsMat + rhsSingleton); // not supported outside of codegen yet

A more thorough description will be given once some tests have been added.