dapperlabs / nba-smart-contracts

Smart contracts and transactions for Topshot, the official NBA digital collectibles game on the Flow Blockchain
The Unlicense
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add Locked trait #222

Closed austinkline closed 10 months ago

austinkline commented 10 months ago

Adds a new trait to moments called Locked, which is an important field that platforms need to use to filter out moments that can't be used in listings/can't be sent anywhere

I ran the following for tests but I'm not sure if this is sufficient so please let me know if there's anything else I need to do

# from repo root
cd lib/go/contracts
make generate
make test
➜  contracts git:(is-locked-trait) ✗ make test
go test ./...
ok      github.com/dapperlabs/nba-smart-contracts/lib/go/contracts  0.122s
?       github.com/dapperlabs/nba-smart-contracts/lib/go/contracts/internal/assets  [no test files]
tpetrychyn commented 10 months ago

Hello, thanks for contributing!

There are tests in the root directory of the project which can be executed by running make test (They were broken, I just fixed them here https://github.com/dapperlabs/nba-smart-contracts/commit/9dd6390c3496ff4da08a84a01798c4e8082146d3)

Let me know when you've had a chance to update your branch and verify the tests and I will be happy to get this deployed for you.

austinkline commented 10 months ago

Hello, thanks for contributing!

There are tests in the root directory of the project which can be executed by running make test (They were broken, I just fixed them here 9dd6390)

Let me know when you've had a chance to update your branch and verify the tests and I will be happy to get this deployed for you.

Thanks for taking a look! I've gone ahead and verified tests pass (had to do two small updates to get them working), and I also had to commit a change to assets.go which seemed pretty similar to the flow-nft repo. If anything else is needed give me a shout!

Here's the output from running make ci

➜  nba-smart-contracts git:(is-locked-trait) go clean -testcache
➜  nba-smart-contracts git:(is-locked-trait) make ci
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/make ci -C lib/go
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/make ci -C contracts
go generate
go mod tidy
git diff --exit-code
go test ./...
ok      github.com/dapperlabs/nba-smart-contracts/lib/go/contracts  0.117s
?       github.com/dapperlabs/nba-smart-contracts/lib/go/contracts/internal/assets  [no test files]
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/make ci -C templates
go generate
go mod tidy
git diff --exit-code
go test ./...
?       github.com/dapperlabs/nba-smart-contracts/lib/go/templates  [no test files]
?       github.com/dapperlabs/nba-smart-contracts/lib/go/templates/data [no test files]
?       github.com/dapperlabs/nba-smart-contracts/lib/go/templates/internal/assets  [no test files]
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/make ci -C test
go generate
go mod tidy
git diff --exit-code
go test ./...
ok      github.com/dapperlabs/nba-smart-contracts/lib/go/test   14.872s
austinkline commented 10 months ago

hey @tpetrychyn checking in, any chance I can get some eyes on this this week?

tpetrychyn commented 10 months ago

@austinkline it appears the build step got stuck during the github webhook outage yesterday. Could you please send an empty commit to restart the PR checks?

gc --allow-empty -m "retry checks"

austinkline commented 10 months ago

@austinkline it appears the build step got stuck during the github webhook outage yesterday. Could you please send an empty commit to restart the PR checks?

gc --allow-empty -m "retry checks"
