dapplo / Dapplo.Jira

This is a simple REST based JIRA client, written for Greenshot, by using Dapplo.HttpExtension
MIT License
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Form designer breaking with Dapplo.Jira installed #71

Closed richardwarriner closed 2 years ago

richardwarriner commented 2 years ago

Running VS 17.0.6

Create a new Windows Forms .net6 app and add some buttons etc. All if ok

Add nuget of Dapplo.Jira 1.1.42 and then go back to the form. You now cannot click on any control of it you add more controls to the form they just appear at the bottom in the area for non UI controls

Am I doing something wrong here?

2022-02-11 15_06_43-Window

richardwarriner commented 2 years ago

If you uninstall Nuget the form designer works again. Confirmed on 2 computers

Lakritzator commented 2 years ago

What magic is that... I never heard about such a thing, and I do no see a direct reason for something like that.

richardwarriner commented 2 years ago

I know - it's crazy isn't it. Can you reproduce it on your system? I am just concerned its something I am doing

Lakritzator commented 2 years ago

My first instinct was that it might be a bug in 17.0.6 with the forms designer and might also happen with other nugets.

So I checked it out as I wanted to know if this is due to my Dapplo.Jira package, the Dapplo.HttpExtensions or Dapplo.HttpExtensions.JsonNet

It seems to be something in the https://www.nuget.org/packages/Dapplo.HttpExtensions that is (also) triggering the behavior, that is a HTTP client and should not cause such things... For now I first want to spend some time with my family, I'll check tonight.

Lakritzator commented 2 years ago

P.S. if it wasn't clear, yeah I can reproduce it!!

richardwarriner commented 2 years ago

No worries - its not urgent :)

Lakritzator commented 2 years ago

I believe it's due to Dapplo.Log being at an older level. It took me all night to find something that might cause it, now my time-boxing is over. But I managed to update Dapplo.Log to an already available 1.4.1 and the problem seemed to be away.

If you are behind this PC before I can provide a different solution, maybe you can try to install Dapplo.Log 1.4.1 directly to see if this helps.

richardwarriner commented 2 years ago

I installed Dapplo.Log 1.4.1 and the issue has gone away. Thanks for fixing it so quickly.

Lakritzator commented 2 years ago

I'll update Dapplo.Jira so it uses 1.4.1, so others don't get the same issue and you don't need to do this manually. I didn't update Dapplo.Log before (1.4.1 was already longer out), as there wasn't a big need, but I guess there is now.

Thanks for reporting, closing this as anything newer than 1.1.42 (which will come later today / tomorrow) should fix it.

Lakritzator commented 2 years ago

Should be fixed with 1.1.43 and later.